The Bodum Bistro Drip Coffee Brewer is a new take on a old way of making coffee. It adds visual appeal, with the lower carafe of double-wall glass construction.
Add fresh ground coffee using a standard coffee measure scoop. The capacity is 30 ounces which calls for 6 standard scoops of ground coffee. I use the blue SCAA scoop that we sell.
Ground coffee is a tad coarser than the grind I use for paper filter drip.
Using little water, wet the grounds as evenly as possible, and allow them to expand for 10 – 30 seconds. Once all grinds have been pre-wetted, add 200-205 degree water (just off boil).
Continue to pour until the filter is full. Try to maintain the water at this level for the rest of your pour.
You want the brew to stay hot: Don’t let the filter empty out, cool off, then refill with hot water. Ideally this total process, the time the hot water is in contact with the grounds, is close to 4 minutes.
After you finishSimilar to aftertaste, but it refers to the impression as the coffee leaves the palate. Aftertaste is the sensations gathered after the coffee has left the mouth. We... pouring the desired amount of hot water, give the brewing mixture a stir. This helps break up the “crust” that forms on the surface. It’s a good time to judge the wet aromaIn cupping, wet aroma refers to the smell of wet coffee grinds, after hot water is added. It can involve smelling the "crust" (floating coffee grounds) on the... of your coffee too.
After it drains, remove the top of the brewer, the glass filterconeFiltercones, as the name implies, are simply cones that hold a coffee filter. The cone fits on to the top of a coffee cup, grounds and a filter..., and place the stopper on top of the carafe to help maintain heat.
Pour and enjoy!