Papua New Guinea Coffee Processing

Narrating some clips of video about coffee washing stations in PNG

Here we have stitched together some video clips from my trip to PNG, not the latest one but back in (2016). Papua New Guinea coffee trade is fascinating and honestly, confusing as well.

I added a voice over to explain some of the visuals. It’s no masterpiece, but a good glimpse into the coffee work seen in Papua New Guinea. PNG is a tricky place to do anything with anything it seems, at least from the viewpoint of an out-of-towner like me.

The impetus to do coffee here is a but mixed up, chiefly because there are mineral industries, oil and gas, even gold mining, all of which offer a pay bonanza to local workers. Why focus on coffee then? It’s difficult and doesn’t offer such rich rewards.

Yet coffee in PNG can be outstanding quality. This island is blessed with amazing soils in most parts, with a tradition of planting good cultivars, and a system of processing largely adopted from Tanzania (wet-processing with disk pulpers, long fermentation times). The Papua New Guinea coffee processing system is ideal in many ways, but getting consistent quality has been challenging. 

So yeah, PNG, it is a great puzzler. -Thompson

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