Podcast: Kenya Coffee Growing, Trading and Marketing, Two Parts! (Podcast Ep. 19 & 20)

Conversing about Kenya coffee farming, how coffee is traded and how it is marketed in the US.

A while back we had Mary Maina Manyeki visit us in Oakland, and had a great conversation about her experiences as a Kenya coffee farmer.

This transitioned into a more general conversation with Wycliffe, a trader and agronomist from Kenyacof, and Kat, a trader from Sucafina USA, about the coffee market in Kenya. I split that generally into Part 1 and Part 2 as the conversation was quite long!

This is (again) just a lo-fi recording of a conversation about coffee, but there are many good details in here about how coffee is grown, traded and marketed from the tree to the retailer overseas. Please give it a listen, despite the lack of great production! -Tom

(A footnote here: On my next trip to Kenya I brought Mary a Behmor coffee roaster donated by Sweet Maria’s and Joe Behm of Behmor. Now she roasts her own coffee!)

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