Using the Clever Coffee Brewer for Iced Coffee or Concentrated Coffee

The Clever Coffee Brewer is a great option for iced coffee or other uses for a full immersion brewing concentrate

Full Immersion brewing is great for iced coffee, or to create more concentrated coffee! Since all of the coffee and all of the water are in “full contact” for the 4 minute brew time, you get complete extraction. That’s not always true in pour-over brews where much of the coffee-water contact time is minimal, under 30 seconds. It depends on your pour-over technique, and that can be hard to master.

Also the Clever allows you to dose the coffee on the heavy side (in the video, 2x normal brew strength) AND have full contact of all coffee and water. Plus you get the clean taste of filtered coffee, which can be an issue in the french press (as well as the health benefit of filter coffee vs. unfiltered coffee for cholesterol).

Brewing options to make strong coffee with the Clever Coffee Brewer.

For iced coffee that’s not weak and watery, full immersion Clever brewing is a great option. Full immersion means all the coffee grounds are in contact with all the brewing water for the full brewing time. French Press is a type of full immersion brewing. The Clever Coffee is a great option because you get the clean taste of filter coffee, but full extraction too. You can easily make a slight concentrate, like I do in this video, to ensure the iced coffee doesn’t come out thin and watery. There’s many other nice things about the Clever Coffee Brewers too. It’s the truly OG full immersion pour-over brewer.

See the Clever Brewer at Sweet Maria’s dot com

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