What the …. Starbucks buys Clover?!

As someone who is on the fence about the Clover (love the idea, like the people, have some reservations about the cup) … I am shocked. A lot of respectable people have been cheerleaders for the Clover , and I imagine they feel really burned. But think of all those small places that coughed up $11k per machine (or a bit more). What’s it worth to them now if Starbucks will have one just across the street. Clover was part of a quality initiative to elevate the level of brewed coffee, to give the independent a better chance against the chains. Of course, it’s a very savvy move by Starbucks, something called “recuperation” in culture studies. But it’s a sad day for specialty coffee (it that term still means anything). Now what the hell is the Mastrena? Just another robot espresso machine …
