I do my best to answer your coffee questions within 5 minutes. It’s hard!
(See this episode as a video or listen as a podcast below)
We asked for questions for this project, and you sent them …hard ones! Thanks! In this first Episode 1, there are 4 questions :
Here are the coffee questions I try to answer in the first Episode
1: How to find the right coffee … but are they talking about the green beans or how it’s brewed? I’m not sure
2: Anaerobic fermentationA line of sealed plastic yellow barrels for anaerobic fermentation at Punta del Cerro mill in Huehuetenango. Anaerobic simply means "without air", which makes this term that describes...: Why don’t we offer this coffee? We will soon … but its complicated, and is this basically a way to flavor coffee? Especially coffee that isn’t that great as is? Just asking!
3: My air popper won’t roast dark, and I bought it from you! Popper’s aren’t 100% reliable to roast coffee due to the internal overheat switch, which shuts off the heat coil. It can be fixed, and there are some poppers that work better than others. Do we over-promise on the one we sell though?
4: I want to roast a blend like Peets Major Dickenson: Clone brewing exists in beer making, can we replicate coffees we like in home coffee roastingThe application of heat to green coffee seeds (beans) to create palatable material for brewing a great cup!: Coffee roasting is a chemical process induced by heat, by...? Maybe – it’s about the roast and the blend, and I try to share what I know about Peets techniques. -Tom
(Note: this is also available as an audio-only podcast … You can also listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts, or the embedded audio below)
Podcast Version:
Click on the embed image below: You can also listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts
5 Responses
Loved episode 1! Good for you!
Thanks John – working on Ep. 2!
By the way – you can post new questions here in this comment section and get a reply, or we can include it in Ep. 2 (or whatever the next episode is when we receive it)…
I roast using the Behmor and prefer light roasts. Because of this I end up with tons of chaff on the beans afterwards. I know it doesn’t affect the flavor much, but all that chaff certainly makes a mess in and around the grinder. Any advice to ridding the beans of all that extra chaff after roasting?
I put the coffee in a colander and focus a small fan on it… out on the porch that is. Recently I was trying to remove chaff from a light roast that was well adhered. I rubbed it between my palms and it really came right off but I don’t think this is a very appealing solution!