A foot in the holiday door jamb …

The door is closing on holiday ordering, but I must extend a proverbial foot into the jamb and add these new coffees:

  • El Salvador Finca Kilimanjaro; I was trying to stash this vacuum packed gem for late season, but there has been too much demand. If you know this special coffee from years past, all I can say is it’s fantastic once again, many say better than last year.
  • Colombia “Los Pijaos de Tolima” (3 Star); a blend that we build one tiny lot at a time through ourdirect trade program. Tolimas have been consistently my favorite Colombias in recent harvests
  • Colombia Organic “Union de Nariño” (3 Star); our first certified organic Farm Gate coffee from Colombia, built from micro-lots in the town of La Union. Both these lots were shipped vacuum packed, and are vibrantly fresh.
  • Kenya AB Auction Lot #768 -Rukira; Our very last main crop auction lot Kenya until new crop, vivid fruits, and mercifully moderate acidity.
  • Sumatra Onan Ganjang Cultivar; A specific type of coffee shrub from the Lintong area, this was something I found on my recent trip there. It has a classic cup, intense, brutish, potent … and is quite different from other Lintong coffees.
  • Espresso Workshop #1 – The Ophiolite Blend; I am really excited about this blend, and our new espresso approach. We are dividing our blends into “Standards”, blends we maintain consistently, and these Espresso Workshop “editions”, things I have hammered out in the cupping lab above the offices here at Sweet Maria’s. These are lot-specific offerings, meaning that when the particular coffees in the mix are out, the blend “edition” is retired. What’s an ophiolite? Ask Wikipedia … or just read the review to see why I chose a geologic term… Tom