How to switch to Manual mode in the Behmor Coffee Roaster
BehmorA popular electric drum roaster designed for home use, with variable batch sizes (from 1/4 pound to 1 pound) and a smoke-reduction system. It has been modified and... 1600+’s manual mode gives you a lot more control over your roast. Using the manual mode features can be a bit confusing because they share the same control panel buttons as auto mode so hopefully this video shines a little light on these features.
In regards to Tom’s cooling technique, it’s just one way to cool coffee and that Behmor probably doesn’t recommend it. But for those who find the Behmor cooling cycle too slow, this works well. And done with care it won’t hurt the machine, provided that you always re-start the cool cycle after removing the drum
Do you have any special roasting/cooling techniques that you use with your Behmor? Please share.
Also see our Part 1 of the video, the Behmor 1600 Plus Intro Video:
For an Introduction to the latest model (2020) please check out this related video!