Don’t crank on that fan knob too hard! If the fan knob starts to feel like it is not “clicking” into position at Off, Low, or High, it might break soon…
If the fan knob is turned past the Off or the High position stops, it can break. When it breaks it spins freely on the post, so it can’t be used to turn the machine on or off, or change air speed.. Bummer.
Sometimes this “detached knob” problem presents itself as something more serious, like not being able to turn on the machine at all, as if the machine lost power. That’s not the case – it’s just that the knob cannot turn to post to an On position.
This is caused by being handled too rough, turned too hard, especially when the user believes the range of the Fan knob is the same as the Heat knob, which turns in a 180 degree arc. It isn’t. The fan knob turns in a 90 degree range. But honestly this would be less of an issue if the way the knob grabbed the post was stronger. We will fix that in the next manufacturing run!
The good news is that it doesn’t damage the post that the knob attaches too, nor the function of the machine … just the knob itself.
The bad news is that the knob doesn’t just pull off the post from the front of the machine. It is “trapped” behind the front plastic panel. So you have to take the machine apart a bit to get at the knob. You can either get a used replacement knob from us , or even just opt to take it off and use the machine by turning the post directly. It also seems that other types of knobs will fit on this “half moon” shaped post. Get creative! With one I actually used construction adhesive and simply glued the knob to the post. If you feel comfortable with that, it definitely works. Just give the adhesive lots of time to permanently set.
But whatever the fix, there’s some disassembly required. Getting at the knob isn’t hard, you just need one small screwdriver and the rest is pretty easy (10 screws to remove in total). I can do it in 5 minutes, but it probably took 15 minutes the first time to complete this repair.
Here is the link for the Step By Step DIY Repair illustrated with photos, on the importer’s Popper website.
There is also a video version of this repair Here,