Sweet Maria’s Supports Grounds for Health Auction

The annual Grounds for Health coffee auction helps fight cervical cancer among women in developing countries

Sweet Maria’s and Coffee Shub proudly support Grounds for Health by donating green coffee to their annual online auction (minimum size is 50#). This year’s auction takes place June 14th and 15th. See the coffee list, and register to bid here.

In 1996, Grounds for Health was founded by a member of the coffee industry who recognized that thousands of women in coffee-growing communities were dying needlessly from cervical cancer. They partner with coffee cooperatives and communities to ensure these women gain access to the best possible care.

Grounds for Health recognizes that there is a definite correlation between rural areas, like coffee growing communities, and cervical cancer rates. Women in these areas do not have access to adequate screening and treatment services that could save their lives.

The Grounds for Health model leverages resources and expertise from partners across multiple sectors and continents, engaging with local and national governments, private industry partners, and community groups like coffee cooperatives—all of whom share our commitment to keeping women healthy. With our sights always on increasing the number of women treated, we build local capacity to ensure that the systems and resources needed to sustain scale and quality of services remain in place over the long term.  

We are continuously exploring possibilities for new program sites, new technology, and new approaches. There is an overwhelming need for cervical cancer services all over the developing world, and Grounds for Health is meeting this challenge head-on with quality, scalable and sustainable solutions.

-Grounds for Health

CLICK HERE to learn more and how you can donate directly to Grounds for Health.

CHECK OUT this year’s coffee auction that runs June 14th and 15th

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