Fresh Roast Plus 8 Coffee Bean Roaster

Out of Stock – Discontinued

The Fresh Roast Plus 8 Coffee Bean Roaster

A new model of the Fresh Roast now due January 2010 – check here for details

Freshroast Plus 8 home coffee roaster
Freshroast Plus 8 home coffee roaster

The Fresh Roast Plus 8 model . it’s is a easy-to-use, quiet, quick roaster, a great value for the price. It’s the ideal roaster for a 1-person coffee drinking household (okay …there’s enough for two folks). If you are new to roasting, this is a great place to start, and if you move up to a larger machine you people have found the Freshroast to be a great back-up machine. The roast time is about 6 minutes for a Full City (medium-dark) roast, with a 2 minute cool-down cycle. It is so easy to use that doing a few batches in a row is not a big chore. (It is recommended to wait 15-20 minutes between batches).

The timer is a mechanical one, like the old Hearthware Gourmet model. The chaff collector is simple yet effective. This machine has a jump on the Hearthwares in one respect: it is much quieter! The small glass roast chamber doesn’t need the higher volumes of air pushed through it as the wide Hearthware ones do, so the fan and fan motor don’t have to be as large. Over time, you will appreciate the quietness.

The instructions with the roaster are very nice but there are a few corrections we make on our tip sheet (provided with the roaster). One addition I would make: start your experiments to find the roast time you most prefer at 6 minutes on the dial. The capacity of the Freshroast is less than other roasters we have, but it’s advantages are ease-of-use, and its straightforward design. The batch size I test with is two rounded 43cc scoops (scoop provided), which equals 2.25 ounces (64 grams) of green coffee. Sweet Maria’s online FreshRoast Tip Sheet is recently updated and includes pictures of the various roasts and how to measure the batch size. Check it out! You can also read what other users are saying about using the Fresh Roast and other air roasters on the Sweet Maria’s Forum.

In testing the coffee so far, I am satisfied with the cup. The one complaint with the last Plus model we had was that dark roasts were difficult to achieve. This is not a problem with this lot, unless your household voltage is deficient (in the area of 105 v …in which case light roasted coffee would be the least of your problems!) The Plus 8 model has the expanded range timer that adds 2 more minutes to the roast time, if you so desire. Paired with this is a slightly lower watt heater, so the result is a slightly slower roast (an improvement over the speedy models of some years ago), and a wider range of roasts from lighter to darker.

Interested to see what other Fresh Roast users say about this machine? Check out the Using Air Roasters section of the Sweet Maria’s Forum

One year manufacturer warranty from FreshBeans Inc. covering defects in the base, six month warr. on the top end
Extended 2 year warranty available from FreshRoast.
Replacement parts available directly from the manufacturer, FreshBeans Inc 805-501-7731 phone or 435-608-2716 fax
Operating Instructions and tips included…
Sweet Maria’s FreshRoast tip sheet is updated and includes pictures of the various roasts and how to measure the batch size. Check it out!
See for spare parts and an online copy of the manual.

We offer the Fresh Roast Plus 8 with or without our Coffee Samplers – the 4 Pound Sampler for just $10 more (it costs $17 a la carte) or $20 for the 8 Pound Sampler ($32 ala carte). This includes 4 or 8 types of green coffees, 1 pound of each, and your choice of a Brewed Coffee Sampler, Espresso Sampler, Half Decaf-Half Regular, or All Decaf selection. There is a slight surcharge for all Decaf samplers – since these coffees are a bit more expensive . I encourage you to get the roaster with a sampler, since it will allow you to enjoy a range of the best quality coffees (Central American, South American, African, Indonesian, wet-processed, dry-processed, etc).
