Green Coffee Sample Trays

Useful Visual Aids for Home Coffee Roasters

I’m old and feel like some learning tools are better in real physical form. Hence my sample trays for roasted coffee, green coffee, and any coffee I want to study or keep nearby for reference.

A visual reference comparing wet process green coffee to the same coffee at various roast levels.
A visual reference comparing wet process green coffee to the same coffee at various roast levels.

For home roasters, the most useful type you could build is a “degree-of-roast” set that you could keep on hand while roasting to help you visually calibrate the look you want from your active roast to a reference roast from before. You might want to create separate reference sets for wet-process, honey, dry-process and decaf since they all take on color differently. These sets are collected and displayed in crystal clear hobby/collector trays from a craft store. (These particular ones came from The Container Store FYI).

Coffee Sample Trays Video

Here’s a short video I put together showing you the various kinds of trays I’ve built over time, and I highlight the ones I think are most useful for home coffee roasters.

If you’re curious about other trays I made for myself, take a look at my other post Gawking at Green Coffee where I share my thoughts while looking over the sample trays I have collected and built over time.

Green Coffee Sample Trays
These green coffee sample trays are great for comparing different varieties and as visual aids.

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