DIY Coffee Roaster by Larry Cotton, Wobble Disk v 2.0

Once in a while Sweet Maria’s customer Larry Cotton inspires us with an email featuring his latest homemade DIY coffee roaster.

His latest versions have used advanced wobble disk technology! It’s both entertaining and amazingly effective! It just proves there is always a new approach to making your own roaster…

Here’s his notes that describe the latest effort: “Well, that one is now history!  3-1/2 months later, continuing my pandemic-bound exercise, here’s a video of yet another wobble-disk coffee roaster, but this one is spun with a $9 Black & Decker screwdriver, which then doubles as a handle–one less major part.  Capacity is 12 oz., roast time ~15 minutes.  Man, would I like this to become mainstream!  Would people really miss profiles?  ;-)”

In fact, this kind of DIY coffee roaster offers a lot of control, it’s just not by computer. But what better “mechanism” to control a roast that a human? Respond to sensory input we can make our adjustments on the fly and determine a desired result better than anything digital. After all, silicone chips can’t taste coffee but we can, as well as actually enjoy it too!

Oh, and the music…Larry made that too.

DIY Coffee Roaster by Larry Cotton

Questions? Contact the maker himself at [email protected]

DIY Wobble Disk Home Coffee Roaster Larry Cotton
DIY Wobble Disk Home Coffee Roaster with Heat Gun, Simplified! by Larry Cotton

Also see Larry’s previous version of the Wobble Disk design here:

Wobble Disk Home Made DIY Coffee Roaster Version 1.0

6 Responses

    1. Thanks for commenting: It’s a home made DIY machine. That means its a project someone made, and they are trying to share their build or even inspire others to make one. It’s not a product for sale.

    2. sorry for the very late reply! Dinno, it stands with about 20 others in my workshop. it’s not the best one; that one will be published in the Aug/Sep issue of Mother Earth News with all instructions to build.

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