Breaking Crust

Crust on coffee before breaking
You can see from the thickness of the crust that the coffee on the right is more developed - Roast #2 at left / Roast #1 at right

A Break: A dance, a beat, an error, an interruption … or in coffee cupping, the “breaking of the crust” of floating grounds, part of aromatic evaluation: In coffee cupping, the “breaking of the crust” of floating grounds, part of aromatic evaluation. You add water to the coffee grounds, filling the cup, and wait 4 minutes. At this point there is still a crust of floating coffee grinds. You put your nose right above the cup and “break” this crust by stirring it with the spoon. The grinds sink, and the coffee can be tasted anywhere from 5-15 minutes after the break.

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