IHCAFE is the Instituto Hondureño del Café, with research facilities and cultivarCultivar is a term used interchangeably with Varietal in the coffee trade to indicate plant material, although there are distinctions.: The naming of a cultivar should conform to... gardens.: IHCAFE is the Instituto Hondureño del Café, with research facilities and cultivar gardens. They released the CatimorAteng is a common name for Catimor coffees widely planted in Sumatra and other Indonesia isles.: Ateng, with several subtypes, is a common name for Catimor coffees widely... cultivars IHCAFE 90 and IHCAFE 95 (Costa RicaCosta Rican coffee is typically very clean, sweet, with lots of floral accents. hey are prized for their high notes: bright citrus or berry-like flavors in the acidity,... 95).