A taste term to describe a wine-like flavor with a similar perceived acidityAcidity is a positive flavor attribute in coffee, also referred to as brightness or liveliness. It adds a brilliance to the cup, whereas low acid coffees can seem... and fruit, and some level of acetic acidAcetic acid can lead to vinegar-like flavors in over-mature coffees, or bitterness in high quantities. But in moderate amounts it adds a positive winey note to the cup..... It is found most commonly in East African specialty coffees as well as in some Centrals.
In IndonesiaUSDA is (obviously) the United States Department of Agriculture. USDA also had coffee plant breeding programs in the past and one variety they distributed to Indonesia and was... an anaerobic fermentationA line of sealed plastic yellow barrels for anaerobic fermentation at Punta del Cerro mill in Huehuetenango. Anaerobic simply means "without air", which makes this term that describes... process results in something they call “Winey Coffee”, and it is very popular in Jakarta cafes. I use it to describe ripe fruit notes, pleasantly so, but not pushed to the point of vinegarA defective flavor taint in coffee, resulting perhaps from poor processing, fermentation, sanitation.: Vinegar-like qualities are a defective flavor taint in coffee, resulting perhaps from poor processing, fermentation,... sourness (which would be over-ripe, fermentyA defect flavor, a fruit quality in a coffee that is excessively ripe, toward rotten. This often takes the form of vinegar-like aroma and flavor. Fermenty or vinegar... flavor… not good).