Hearthware Precision Coffee Roaster

The Hearthware Home Innovations Precision is no longer made though you might find one on Ebay from time to time. We keep this review posted for the benefit of current owners of the machine

The new machine from Hearthware – the iRoast Home Coffee Roaster – is in stock and available on this page – Maria 5/25/04

The Home Innovations Hearthware Precision

  • The roaster is significantly quieter than the previous Hearthware Gourmet model.
  • The new “fountain-like” agitation pattern (in which coffee travels from the sides to the center, and is thrown upward and outward in the airstream with the help of a central deflector) is ingenious and results in no tipping or scorching.
  • The roaster heat and air cycles are controlled by a computer chip linked to a temperature sensing thermocouple in the roasters hot air stream. It makes adjustments on the fly to make every batch adhere to the ideal roast profile programmed on the chip.
  • This profile, a slow initial warmup of the beans ramping up to a faster finish, is considered by the SCAA the best profile to produce maximum quality in the cup. The roaster cycles from fast to slow air speeds to adhere to the ideal roast profile which also provides consistency in the roast in varying environments (including voltage fluctuations and outdoor temperature) and to further randomize the bean path. So this roaster is a departure from fluid bed machines and corn poppers up to this point; it is doing more than bvlowing hot air through coffee. If all this seems like giberrish to you, do not despair! The key point is that the roaster maximizes the coffee you put into it; push a button and the roast is complete in around 6-8 minutes.
  • Batch size is same as the Gourmet model: 1/2 cup by volume, 3 oz. by weight
  • Numerical setting on the dial do not correspond to time …they are not meant to. I suppose with the Gourmet and its mechanical timer, this takes some “operator adjustment” if you are used to the earlier model.
  • …to read more of this review including the Pros and Cons of the Precision, click here! Please see our HearthwareTip Sheet, and Hearthware FAQ

Hearthware Precision Roaster$121 (+ 11 lbs. shipping), and that includes the 8-Pack Sampler: our selection of 4 lbs. of coffee (8 different 1/2 lb. types) from Sweet Maria’s excellent stocks. Home Innovations (White) is in stock. You also get to chose a sampler for Brewed CoffeeEspresso, or Decaf

…or Hearthware Precision without the 8-Pack Green Coffee Sampler $111 (+7 lbs shipping). Home Innovations (White)
