Sometimes, it is abundantly clear that working in the coffee trade has unique advantages over … say… selling pretzels.
It’s not that I don’t like pretzels, but chances are that your pretzel-oriented business trips are going to take you to Pittsburgh or Potomac …But not into the beautiful highlands of PanamaPanama coffee ranges from medium quality lower altitude farms to those at 1600 - 1800 meters centered in the area of Boquete in the Chirqui district near the..., temperature 66 to 68 average year round.
I was invited to be a cuppingCupping is a method of tasting coffee by steeping grounds in separate cups for discrete amounts of ground coffee, to reveal good flavors and defects to their fullest.... judge at the 2002 Panama Specialty CoffeeSpecialty coffee was a term devised to mean higher levels of green coffee quality than average "industrial coffee" or "commercial coffee". At this point, the term is of... Association cupping competition in Boquete, Panama. There were 15 judges, mostly from the United States although there were 2 from Canada and 1 from Japan. The competition is held in Volcan on the Pacific side of Volcan Baru in the Boquete region, and in the town of Boquete (on the east-facing side of Baru).