Quest Roaster Handbook for the M3 and M6 Coffee Roasters

Finally, a thorough Quest roaster handbook that covers so much more than just the basics.

The Quest M3 and M6 roasters are known for their sleek and simple design. And with only two control knobs and a timer, how hard could roasting on one be? It turns out, there’s a lot more to this simple table top roaster than meets the eye.

Maurice Nuñas, Quest roaster owner, and frequent Home Barista forum user, spent the last two years compiling information for his “Quest Coffee Roaster Handbook” that he recently published online. The handbook is much more than just a roasting guide, and covers topics like basic roasting instruction, identifying roaster iterations (of which there are more than I knew!), popular modifications, and even a general overview on the different roasting stages. But that only scratches the surface.

Excerpt from the Quest coffee roaster handbook showing roaster specifications and electrical schematic.
Excerpt from the Quest coffee roaster handbook showing roaster specifications and electrical schematic.

The manual is incredibly thorough, and Maurice acknowledges in the introduction that the project was a group effort by several HB forum users. He told me in an email, “every time I hear from a Quest roaster, I learn something new”. A quick search for Quest-related topics on the Home Barista forum site quickly illustrates his point!

This comprehensive approach puts it well outside the standard product manual for most appliances, and it’s something that should prove to be quite useful for both the complete beginner unfamiliar with the roasting process, and even the more seasoned Quest coffee roaster user looking to get more out of their machine.

I think I speak for all Quest coffee roaster users when I say from the bottom of my heart, thanks Maurice and all the content contributors from HB for this incredibly useful Quest roasting guide!

Read the Home Barista thread on the Quest roasting guide

Learn more about ordering a Quest M3s or Quest M6 coffee roaster

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