Our latest podcast episode (#42!) is a bit different … there is an audio-only version and a YouTube version with accompanying pictures / videos.
This recording is a 28 minute unedited recording of a morning in Moshi, TanzaniaIn terms of the Tanzania coffee character, it belongs to the Central/East African family of washed (wet-processed) coffees, bright (acidy), and mostly aggressively flavorful of which Kenya is... May 25 2023. It’s the kind of “waking up” recordings I often do when traveling, both as personal note taking, but sometimes the material I turn into podcasts.
This time, I thought I would also upload it to youtube, with images and video clips. So on youtube there’s some added visual information, but it’s not synced to the recording. Images and vocal do not match. But of course they are all from the same trip to Tanzania.
Here’s an embded link to the Audio only version (or find it on your favorite podcast source, AppleAn acid that adds to favorable perceptions of cup quality; malic acid often adds apple-like acidity, and perhaps other taste aspects recalling apples. Malic acid is yet another..., Spotify Etc.
YouTube Version of our Tanzanian Coffee Podcast #42
Here’s the same podcast with non-synced (but captioned) images and videos from the same trip:
I was curious to see how this would turn out, as images come up that aren’t illustrating what I am speaking of, and maybe don’t really communicate the same message! I thought it opened up some possibilities do put it together this way, rather than a media presentation or … god forbid … ted talk type thing that uses images to further convince the viewer of a point … I wondered if this might show something else, and be more interesting because of possible inconsistencies. I didn’t really see it here in the end, but I’m interested in trying this format again to see what comes out the other side…. -T