Ethiopias, Cold Brewed with a Bruer

Autumn may be upon us, but we’re not ready to say goodbye to cold brew quite yet: Cold brew coffee can have more tastes than just caramel and chocolate.

I’ve always been a big fan of iced coffee beverages all year-round, personally – and that includes years of suffering through New England winter. Anyone familiar with the Dunkin’ Donuts double-cup controversy knows that I’m not alone in favoring cold drinks even in the face of snow banks.

Cold brew has an unfortunate reputation for one-note flavor – chocolate and caramel notes tend to overwhelm more subtle tasting notes (especially when using a full immersion brew method). But life doesn’t need to be that way! To demonstrate, we decided to brew coffees from two different regions of Ethiopia: Ethiopia Agaro Duromina Coop Lot 17 and our newest offering, Ethiopia Kochore Jet Hama. Both coffees were roasted to City+ and brewed using the Bruer Cold Brew System (1:11 ratio).

Ethiopia Agaro Duromina Coop Lot 17: Duromina makes for a juicy cold brew, with a round mouthfeel but light-bodied enough to feel refreshing on the way down. Complex honey sweetness is balanced out by hints of peach and orange acidity. Slurp slurp!

Ethiopia Kochore Jet Hama: Holy cow, this coffee is like drinking a glass of sweet perfume. Lavender and sweet jasmine are unmistakable, and complex citrus notes add sparkling acidity in the finish. Syrupy body balances out a tannic black tea quality – truly, this is a beautiful coffee.


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