Autumn may be upon us, but we’re not ready to say goodbye to cold brew quite yet: Cold brew coffee can have more tastes than just caramel and chocolate.
I’ve always been a big fan of iced coffee beverages all year-round, personally – and that includes years of suffering through New England winter. Anyone familiar with the Dunkin’ Donuts double-cup controversy knows that I’m not alone in favoring cold drinks even in the face of snow banks.
Cold brew has an unfortunate reputation for one-note flavor – chocolateA general flavor or aroma term reminiscent of chocolate. But what type? Usually described with more specifics.: Chocolate is a broad, general flavor or aroma term reminiscent of... and caramelCaramel is a desirable form of sweetness found in the flavor and aroma of coffee, and is an extension of roast taste. Extremely light or dark coffees will... notes tend to overwhelm more subtle tasting notes (especially when using a full immersion brew method). But life doesn’t need to be that way! To demonstrate, we decided to brew coffees from two different regions of EthiopiaEthiopia, formerly known as Abyssinia, or a coffee cultivar: Ethiopia, or more specifically the Empire under Haile Selassie, was known as Abyssinia. The name is Latin, derived from...: Ethiopia Agaro Duromina Coop Lot 17 and our newest offering, Ethiopia Kochore Jet Hama. Both coffees were roasted to City+City+ roast is an ideal roast level that occurs roughly between 425 and 435 degrees Fahrenheit in many coffee roasters with a responsive bean probe where First Crack... and brewed using the Bruer Cold Brew System (1:11 ratio).
Ethiopia Agaro Duromina Coop Lot 17: Duromina makes for a juicy cold brew, with a round mouthfeelHow a coffee feels in the mouth or its apparent texture, a tactile sensation : A major component in the flavor profile of a coffee, it is a... but light-bodied enough to feel refreshing on the way down. ComplexThe co-presence of many aroma and flavor attributes, with multiple layers. A general impression of a coffee, similar to judgments such as "balanced" or "structured" honeyIn coffee, honey-like sweetness is often found, but we use terms such as refined honey (highly filtered and processed) as opposed to raw honey rustic honey sweetness. This... sweetnessSweetness is an important positive quality in fine coffees, and is one of five basic tastes: Sour, Sweet, Salty, Bitter, Savory (Umami). In coffee, sweetness is a highly... is balanced out by hints of peach and orangeOrange aromatics and flavors are prized in coffee, whether they take the form of sweet orange flesh and pulp, or orange peel. Orange flavors or aromatics can range... acidityAcidity is a positive flavor attribute in coffee, also referred to as brightness or liveliness. It adds a brilliance to the cup, whereas low acid coffees can seem.... Slurp slurp!
Ethiopia Kochore Jet Hama: Holy cow, this coffee is like drinking a glass of sweet perfume. Lavender and sweet jasmineA very positive and intensely floral quality in coffee, usually with a strong aromatic component, reminiscent of jasmine flower or tea. There are many forms of jasmine; the... are unmistakable, and complex citrus notes add sparkling acidity in the finishSimilar to aftertaste, but it refers to the impression as the coffee leaves the palate. Aftertaste is the sensations gathered after the coffee has left the mouth. We.... Syrupy bodyAssociated with and sensed by mouthfeel, body is sense of weight and thickness of the brew, caused by the percentage of soluble solids in the cup, including all... balances out a tannicHaving the bitterness or astringency of Tannins. Tannins are plant polyphenols found across the flora kingdom. The term Tannins refers to the use of wood tannins from oak... black tea quality – truly, this is a beautiful coffee.