
The Parainema cultivar with its elongated cherries at a small farm in Honduras.
The Parainema cultivar with its elongated cherries at a small farm in Honduras.

Parainema is a hybrid with some disease resistance developed in Honduras by IHCAFE (Instituto Hondureño del Café). It is related to Sarchimor, another disease-resisitant type. Both have arabica and robusta genetic components. Parainema is a selection of Sarchimor, which is bred from the arabica type called Villa Sarchi (most commonly found in Costa Rica) and Timor Hybrid (Hibrido de Timor, HdT).

In our experience we have found Parainema samples to have a larger bean size, slight elongated form. The cup quality can range widely, just like Sarchimor. Some samples have a nice pronounced acidity with a bit of green cast (think lime citric notes). Others tend to be herbal or vegetal in a less pleasant way.

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