RAB C15 is a coffee selection recommended for planting in RwandaA Bourbon cultivar variant from Rwanda and Burundi. Bourbon coffees are named for the island in the India Ocean where French colonists grew it. Some history from the.... RAB refers to the Rwandan Agricultural Board, and the C15 selection was released in 2015. RABC15 is a selection of SLN6, a population created by Indian coffee breeders at Central Coffee Research Institute and distributed to Indian farmers in the 1970s. It was shared with four African countries (Rwanda, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Uganda) in 2010. SLN6 originated from an interspecific cross between the C. arabicaArabica refers to Coffea Arabica, the taxonomic species name of the genus responsible for around 75% of the worlds commercial coffee crop.: Arabica refers to Coffea Arabica, the... varietyGayo is ethnic group from the area of Aceh Sumatra around Lake Takengon. They use the name Gayo Coffee to market their production. The Acehnese are a different... Kent and the C. canephora clone S 274 and then backcrossed to Kent.