JavaThere are several types of Abyssinia variety coffee, but they are not from Ethiopia but rather Indonesia. Abyssinia 3 = AB3. PJS Cramer, a Dutch plant researcher, introduced this variety... was a place I had flown through before, but never stopped. It’s hard to go anywhere in IndonesiaUSDA is (obviously) the United States Department of Agriculture. USDA also had coffee plant breeding programs in the past and one variety they distributed to Indonesia and was... without spending some time in the Jakarta airport. But this time we had a reason.
There was a coffee project from the other end of the island than where most Java coffee comes from.
All the big farms, most that are or were run by the government, are in East Java: Kayumas, Djampit, Blawan, etc. West Java traditionally had coffee, but the farms were not government owned or supported so the farmers failed at coffee, and went on to other things.
But now we are joining on, as the buyer of this West Java coffee, to support a new quality initiative in this area. The idea is that of Dariusz Lewandowski and Eko Purnomowidi, who is from the Java Sunda area.
They have built a fantastic “coffee outpost” in the mountains, and are working on a small scale level to find what the quality potential is here. Because there are still old types of TypicaA coffee cultivar; a cross between Typica and Bourbon, originally grown in Brazil: Mundo Novo is a commercial coffee cultivar; a natural hybrid between "Sumatra" and Red Bourbon,..., and a longberry tree they call Kopi Sunda, there is potential for a good coffee from these parts.
-Tom, August 2010.
Floating coffee after fermentation – Agitating and floating the coffee, to remove mucilage, the fruit layer, and remaining skins. Java Sunda project, in the mountains near Bandung, Java. Java – Sample preparation at the field station – Sample preparation at the field station. Java Sunda project, in the mountains near Bandung, Java. Java – Braun, the Brown Dog. – Resident coffee dog is Braun, who is a real live wire and all of 3 Lbs or so. Java – Eduardo (from Costa Rica) – He was very happy I brought a bottle of Zacapa, a taste of Central America. Java Sunda project, in the mountains near Bandung, Java. Java – Wonky cupping spoon – Some new wave, fancy, modern take on a cupping spoon. Actually it worked fairly well. Java – Dariusz complains, I pour – Not sure what we were talking about, but Dariusz, head of the Volkopi project, had something on his mind. Super Polish fashions. (I am half Polish too so, hey). Java – Jeremy cleans cups – Into a bamboo tube. Java Sunda project, in the mountains near Bandung, Java. Java – Eduardo examines ripe coffee cherry – Over ripe coffee cherry was delivered to the mill. Eduardo accepted it once the farmers re-sorted it on the spot. Java – Evening light at Sunda – The coffee project is set among the ripe fields in the mountains outside Bandung, which is a huge city. Here, you would have no clue Bandung is a couple hours away. Java – Hand sorting coffee cherry – Because the coffee contained too many over-ripes, the farmers had to re-sort it before submitting it. Java – Eko gets dinner ready – We ate together in a separate kitchen and dining area. Eko (right) designed and oversaw the building of the entire project, which was both functional, traditional, and very beautiful too! Java – Dariusz and those socks! – The legendary Lufthansa airlines socks from some flight ages ago – he breaks them out when it’s cold. I heard about them ages ago, and here they are, still! That’s one thrifty Polish guy … Java – Welcome to Java: A Durian milk shake, Bandung, Java – So sweet and maple-caramel, but so awful like sweat and dead rat too. Durian is so potent it is banned in many hotels in Asia. An amusing sign from Singapore metro: Ian Kluse is in the background there. Java – The rice fields across the way. – In the morning, we wake up to this glorious green environment. Java – Ian and Dariusz breakfast on the veranda – Cocoa puffs and coffee! Java Sunda Java – Java Sunda type green coffee longberry – This was one type with a very nice cup, slight citrusy, slight floral, sweet. We went to find the trees that produce this the next day. Java – I brought pictures and shirts – Among other things, some tshirts and pictures for the walls of the new project. Eko and Uden Java – Ducks (for dinner) – Sadly, they were to eat, not pets. Uden did a very, uh, interesting Halal butchering of them. Java – The Instruktur – Not sure what he instructs, but certainly does, per is shirt. Another of the many helpers at the project Java – Braun and Eko – Rice farmer in the background too. Java – Roasting in a Gene Cafe at origin! – It was a bit slow, so I dropped the batch size down to try to speed up the roast times. Java – Sunda Hero Coffee Playboy – Somebody is aiming high. Java Sunda Java – Danny’s Land Rover – Danny is a member of the Bandung Land Rover Club, the ULINERS. Not sure what that means but it’s a pretty great ride. We took this all over the Sunda area. Java – Intense rain and covered drying – Thank god all the drying beds are under cover! Java Sunda Java – Java Sunda coffee cherry – This was one type with a very nice cup, slight citrusy, slight floral, sweet. We went to find the trees that produce this the next day. Java – Lunch time and a “Happy Fantasy” drink – Islam is the religion of 95 of the people here. So the beverage of choice is sweet fruit drinks. This one is called the Happy Fantasy! Kampung Sampireun Java – All lots are brought in at night, and kept separate – Lots are stored in baskets, everything with a distinct tag Java – That night…Hot spirng pool at Sumber Alam Hotel at Cipanas – Huge hot spring pool. Garut is known as a mountain resort for people of Jakarta to escape the heat and humidity. Sumber Alam Hotel at Cipanas Java – Java Sunda project base – Java – The waiter has fallen asleep. – No dinner for you, I am tired. Sumber Alam Hotel at Cipanas Java – View from the Kitchen at Java Sunda – Amazing green lush place! Java – Oy – the night before. – Bintang is the best you can do in Java. Java – The group at Java Sunda – All of us, together, group shot, smiles – woo! Java – A beautiful clear morning. Pering, Legok Salki, Java – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Hiking with that damn camera! Pering, Legok Salki, Java – Very slippery ground after a night of so much rain. thompson owen, Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Java – Carrots and Coffee! – I have never seen this before, and if space isn’t given around the coffee tree, it’s not a great combination since the coffee’s roots will be distrurbed. On the flip side, interplanting with food crops means the farmers will attend to the coffee more often! Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Ateng coffee flower – Ateng is a catimor type coffee that has better disease resistence than Typicas. Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Hauiling onions and carrots down to from the fields – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Kopi Sunda Longberry – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Kopi Sunda – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Typica cultivar – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Kopi Sunda – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Kopi Sunda next to Ateng Cherry – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Pering, Legok Salki, Java – thompson owen, Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Java – Pa Rukman Farm in Pering – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Pa Rukman Farm in Pering – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Pa Rukman Farm in Pering – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Pa Rukman Farm in Pering – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Unripe coffee cherry at Pa Rukman Farm in Pering – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Pa Rukman Farm in Pering – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Spider and coffee – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Conical form of Kopi Sunda – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Pa Rukman Farm in Pering – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Pa Rukman, farmer with much of the Java Sunda longberry type coffee. Java – Pa Rukman Farm in Pering – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Typica – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Typica flowers in Pering. – Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Carrots, cabbage, rice, onions – Carrots, cabbage, rice, onions were the food crops I saw in this area. Pering, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Great clotheslines of Indonesia. – I just like clotheslines. Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Uden, as always, having a laugh – Uden does sample roasting and quality control for Volkopi in Medan. Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java Lagok Salki Java – Tomatoes too. – Tomatoes harvested for Bandung market. In Pering area, Bandung highlands, Java – School games – Eko mentioned it might be a graduation. Nice banana leaf hat! Java – Too red for me. – I don’t know how it gets that color, maybe beets, but its too scarey for me. Street food Java – Loaded down – Typical for trucks in Indo and elsewhere. Maxiumum capacity, minimum speed. Java – Rock climbing cigarette advert – Does he have a cigarette in his hand? Java – Magic bus … – Not so magic anymore, Mickey. Java – Politics old and new – It wasn’t election time. It’s just that declaring your political allegiances is like wearing a Yankees hat or a Raiders t-shirt. Java – Hi, I am at Origin – Origin, where all things come from. Pit stop on the way to the coffee farms. Java – – Java – Carpsicles at Samurang – They had huge ponds here. I woulc all them Koi, but I think they aren’t. Kampung Sampireun Java – Vines on trees – An especially aesthestic combo. Java – Lunch near Samarang: Jeremy and the waitresses – Jeremy embarassing himself, at Kampung Sampireun Java – Blue Batak Attitude. – Kampung Sampireun Java – Dariusz takes a nap at the Kampung – All worn out by Americans. Kampung Sampireun Java – A fake lake, cottages and boats, kinda cute though – At Kampung Sampireun, West java Java – Pudgy people crossing – Be careful, they are a little on the heavy-set side. Java – Bringing in coffee to the Kelompok farmers group, Garut area – We visited another group of about 300 farmers in the Chisurupan area near Garut. They have a bit more elevation and are growing coffee on land the government has donated for this purpose Java – Weighing in. Kelompok farmers group, Garut area – So this coop has government help, something rare in the West Java area in coffee. They are allowed to use this land, with each hectare farmed by 2 families. Chisurupan area Java – Locals at the Kelompok farmers group – This was where we had to disembark from the cars and proceed on foot to the coffee area. Chisurupan area Java – More friendliness, Kelompok farmers group, Garut area – Chisurupan area Java – Ateng is a good producer – Kelompok Coffee Group, Garut Area, Java Sunda Chisurupan area Java – Spiders and coffee – You can see this clump has been partially picked already. Compare this Ateng to the next photo of Typica. Kelompok Coffee Group, Garut Area, Java Sunda Chisurupan area Java – Ateng cherry all along the branch – Kelompok Coffee Group, Garut Area, Java Sunda Chisurupan area Java – Typica coffee type, clumping cherry – Bouyrbon is famous for it’s clumps of cherry on the branch, Typicas can do this too. Kelompok Coffee Group, Garut Area, Java Sunda Chisurupan area Java – Uniform shade trees, row planting – Estate style of planting at Kelompok Coffee Group, Garut Area, Java Sunda Chisurupan area Java – Estate style planting – Planting here is much more in an organized “estate style” as opposed top the Pering area. Kelompok Coffee Group, Garut Area, Java Sunda Chisurupan area Java – Typica among Ateng -Kelompok – Kelompok Coffee Group, Garut Area, Java Sunda Chisurupan area Java – Ateng cultivar – Rounder leaves, green tips. Kelompok Coffee Group, Garut Area, Java Sunda Chisurupan area Java – Newer plantings with cherry – Younger Ateng plantings. I heard the enitre plot here was just 5 years old. Kelompok Coffee Group, Garut Area, Java Sunda Chisurupan area Java – Typica bronze tips leaf – Longer in form, browner in colorKelompok Coffee Group, Garut Area, Java Sunda Chisurupan area Java – Heavy production from Ateng cultivar – To the verge of over-production here… Kelompok Coffee Group, Garut Area, Java Sunda Chisurupan area Java – Heavy production from Ateng cultivar – Intense amounts of cherry means the plant must work very hard, and needs great fertilization. Kelompok Coffee Group, Garut Area, Java Sunda Chisurupan area Java – Leaving Garut area, a fine dog – He was a bit leary of me. Java – Too much cherry, unusual ripening. – How to pick a shrub like this? Kelompok Coffee Group, Garut Area, Java Sunda Chisurupan area Java – Volkopi processing station, Java Sunda GPS – Java – Pantera in Java. – The kids …They just like metal music. Java – Fashions at Sumber Alam Hotel at Cipanas – At the gift shop in the hotel. ? Sumber Alam Hotel at Cipanas Java – Kold Kickin It, at the Alphamart in Garut, Indonesia – Just surveying the local action in Garut, Java Sunda, Indonesia. Java – Rad Vespas of Java – There are so many Vespa scooters in Indo. A lot of the Vespas seem to be 70s models, but you see these drop bars added to quite a few. Near Cipanes, Garut area. Java – Next morning, headed out… Truck fruits of Garut – Brought in from other areas, sold in Garut, Java Sunda, Indonesia Java – Bike taxi – They have these interesting tall seats, which for short Sundanese people can lead to a bit of a stretch. Garut, Java Sunda, Indonesia Java – Berkah Trans – For Berkah’ed ladies only? – Dedicated to Islamic women (?) Java – The original Kijang pickup truck. – Java – Trucks with attitude – Many of the cargo trucks for intercity delivery in Java have interesting “themes” Garut, Java Sunda, Indonesia Java – Yes, we have bananas – Green, Yellow, Etc. Bananas for sale. Garut, Java Sunda, Indonesia Java – Eko and Eduardo. Kampung Naga, Java – A native of Bandung Java and a native of Costa Rica, At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Clotheslines and rooftops along the way -Kampung Naga, Java – Colors and textures, with typical tile roof. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Terraced rice paddies – You have to wonder how much work it was to create these terraces, and to maintain them. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – The tourist that didn’t make it… – At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Rooftops of Kampung Naga, Java – At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Children making cement… – … and doing it with a spoon. They seemed to be repairing a small crack in the bricks. Not usual play stuff. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Companions – A girl and her bear. Inseparable. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Fish farming at Kampung Naga village, Java – Fish farming at Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Kampung Naga, Java – At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Ian and a very stiff chicken – I am afraid of picking up chickens, just because they might scratch, and I basically don’t know the best way to grab them. Ian was a master. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – The famous Birdstone, not Bridgestone. – Bridgestone made great bikes sold in the US some time back. Funny how the Birdstone doesn’t seem to be quite as good. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Kampung Naga is a tourist trap! – And if you don’t pay up for their tacky stuff, they will shrink your skull. Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Eduardo can’t score. Kampung Naga, Java – Kids were playing soccer, taking shots on goal. Eduardo, the Tico, jumped in, but couldn’t find the back of the net. Actually, there was no net. And the ball was flat. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Natural rood, clothes drier. – Dual purpose thatched roofing. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Ladies shoes? – Well, they have a lady on them. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Kampung Naga, Java – At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Axe to wield. – It seems like a fake palce, but then again it is a real village too. They do split wood with axes. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Rooftop garden – Unintended rooftop growth. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Big big black bee. – At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Famous clotheslines of Indonesia. Kampung Naga, Java – At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – My first chicken grab – …and I didn’t get my eyes scratched out. Java – Jeremy poses with the ladies – Fellow tourists, but they were from Tasik, not far away. Java women like to have their picture taken with foriegners. Why? Probably the same reason we like to have a picture of us with natives, just a little more posed. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – After school on the front porch. – Of course, people in this village were ready to have their picture taken. But is wasn’t exactly posed either. An interesting place… At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Another addition to the “Chickens of Coffee Calendar?” – Really interesting markings on this small, tall rooster. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Logging the old way. – The old guys sat around and watched the young guys split logs. Seems fair. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Elder, with fanny pack. – One of the old guys, At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Village Boys at Kampung Naga, Java – At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Babysitting – This was in the communal rice-hulling area. The rice hulling was old style and looked tedious. I thought it was just for tourists. But when we came by again, they were using it! At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – 8 juices and 4 coffees on the menu – Including Kopi Robusta and Kopi Nescafe. At Kampung Naga traditional village and tourist trap, east of Garut, Java. Java – Fishing in the river – They had bamboo rods and simple wooden spools as reels, attached with a rubber band. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Vespa central, Java – At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – Colors – Brooms for sale. At Kampung Naga traditional village, east of Garut, Java. Java – You can trust Gigi the dentist – Or can you? Not me … Java – Bicycle taxi service, Java style – Bicycle taxi service, Java style Java – Portable Playland – Merry-go-round on a bike. Java – Ateng cultivar at Kelompok farmers group – Some fields are entirely Ateng, the more common catimor type found in Sumatra and other parts of Indo. Chisurupan area Java – As we hike up our first view of Papandayan Volcano in West Java – It looked like a quarry, the land so ripped up from the 2002 eruption. Papandayan Stratavolcano, near Garut, Java. Java – Typica or S-795 or Jember? at Papandayan Coffee Area – Coffee on the way to Papandayan volcano, Cisurupan area, near Garut Dariusz thinks this is Djember AKA S-795 Java – Path to the crater of Papandayan Volcano in West Java – The start of our hike. Maybe we should not have worn flip flops? Papandayan Stratavolcano, near Garut, Java. Java – Rocks at Papandayan Volcano – Rocks look like a chaotic jumble of old lava chunks covered in sulpherous compounds and ashy fine soil. Papandayan Stratavolcano, near Garut, Java. Java – Near the crater, burned forest – It seems likely it could be defoliated from sulpher acids in the steam coming out of the fumaroles. There is a living elfin forest beside the crater at Papandayan Java – Sulpher compounds on rock – The active steam vents seem to be distilling the sulpher and other minerals from the ground water. Papandayan Java – Steam vents – I didn’t dare to get any closer to them. Especially in flip flops. Papandayan Stratavolcano, near Garut, Java. Java – Papandayan Steam vents – Without a guide we weren’t getting closer, adn the smell was noxious. But I hear there are bubbling mud vents, one famously bright yellow. Papandayan Stratavolcano, near Garut, Java. Java – Natural Jacuzzi – Hot water pools were around, and it cooled quickly in the evening air. But the water right at the point of emission was ridiculously hot. Papandayan Java – Fresh sulpher around a steam vent – A small steam vent with a fresh coat. Everything smelled like rotten egg, of course. Papandayan Stratavolcano, near Garut, Java. Java – Another view of the burned trees with Elfin Forest. – We didn’t see any elves but this is a stunted forest in the background. Papandayan Stratavolcano, near Garut, Java. Java – Twilight was dramatic at Papandayan – It gets dark quickly near the equator and the light has a unique quality. Papandayan Stratavolcano, near Garut, Java. Java – The idiots who hiked up a volcano in flip flops – On the way down , in the fading light, nearly all of us stubbed our toes or worse. I actually stepped on a rock so sharp, it embedded and only 2 weeks later, in California, did I find it and pull it out! Papandayan Stratavolcano, near Garut, Java. Java – Twilight at Papandayan Volcano – I thought the hue of these photos was realy nice …Papandayan Stratavolcano, near Garut, Java. Java – Goodbye Moon – A crystal clear sky and old moon, as we hiked down the volcano path in the near dark. Papandayan Java – Beware the Black Baron – A great tag, but maybe it was just a brand of cigarette or something. Java – Funny, he doesn’t walk like a genius… – … but you never know. Java – Along the way, the sites of Java – Where horse, bike, scooter, car, bus, peds, truck, vespa and horse all share the road. At once. Java – Islamic day care – A fun looking place. While I hear Sundanese are more strict in practice than the Javanese of the East, it is a very hospitable place to be sure. You just can’t find beer everywhere. Java – Good chicken, bad chicken – The one who looks alive is good, I think. Check – it’s an anti h1n1 billboard. Java – Watch out for Rambo – He might blow your motor to bits. Java – Elvis in the house! – Well, not in the house, but out in the minivan. Java – And we’re off to the coast, or so we think – Jeremy and I were taking some extra days to head to the beach, to a place north of the popular Pandangaran called Batukaras. Traffic was bad in a few towns, but basically we got there in a quick 6 hours. Java – Silly cigarette ad… – But totally reminds me of all the Marlboro man ads I would see as a kid. Java – Lady lay lay – Seemed kinda risque for an Islamic area. Java – I don’t know why… – But I keep staring at this unremarkable picture, wondering how something like this gets built: it’s a flat front van where the front looks like a freightliner truck or something, but pushed into 2 dimensions. It’s just weird… Java – Great shirts in English. Translation: – “Orange ___ Immediate Motorcycle is Ride. As for the position that one is unfavorable you must set attack as a breakthrough plan. Mind of reality” Java – And Bloon to you too – Whatever BLOON is… Java – Another GiGi dentist. – But this one only cares for your upper set of teeth. Java – Fine roadside dog – There is a native dog of Java, I hear, but I don’t think he looks like this. Java – Spongebob is a balloon – And not a sponge – not in Java. Java – The absolute latest styles – That somehow look really old. Java – Cargo Trike – Don’t mess with the a Bulls fan with ripped out knees. Java – Vespa pus sidecar monkey – Crazy lowslung rig. Java – Players Sharksmatch. Tasik, Java – Uh – ? Java – I don’t know who he is, but… – he sure is popular in Java. Java – Craziest vespa handlebars ever, plus home made side car – Sanford and Son Vespa Racing Team Java – Pinkie – An especially nice Vespa, this one from a guy visiting from Bandung city. I wonder if I could tour Java on my Lambretta, and what looks I would get! Batukaras, Java Java – Next day, On the beach, rental boogie boards – Great art at Batukaras, Java Java – Boogie board art – Spongebob on the boogie board rentals at the beach. Batukaras, Java Java – True Bourbon snacks – True Bourbon is actually the cookie that you pair with the coffee … not the coffee itself. Batukaras, Java. Java – The (in)famous bamboo bridge – We rented scooters, also $5 a day, and headed out. Between Batukaras and Cijulang, Java Java – Trippy art. – Someone got out there, sometime. Java – Rental surfboards, $5 for the whole day – I rented the biggest LOG they had. So heavy, but good for the small stuff. Batukaras, Java Java – At the point, in the fog – Jeremy headed out to ride the wild surf at Batukaras Java – Beach dogs at Batukaras, Java – Now these look like they have a little Dingo or wild dog in them…. batu karas, Java Java – Spiderman in Batukaras – More great art. Java – The main strip at Batukaras, Java – It’s a popular place for toursits from Bandung and Jakarta, so weekends are a little bit of a zoo. Weekdays are very nice… Java – Seahorse and Ginseng – You have not tried Seahorse and Ginseng Tea? It’s great! Java – Exploring up the coast – We headed out to Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Water buffalo along the way – Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Beautiful coastline – Volcanic rock, eroded into sea stacks. Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Jungle, rock, sand – Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – My flip flop collection – So many washed-up flip flops on the beach … and a beach without a footprint on it for miles! Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Dr Seuss was here. – A Seussian flower. Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Tuberiffic. – An unusual form, floating here from somewhere distant, or just around the bend. Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Fossil shapes in the rock – Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Layers – I just thought it was pretty. Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Not so pretty – Unidentified blubber chunk on the beach Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Miles of beautiful coast in this area… – Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Scootering through the rain puddles – Roads where under water a bit, usually a few inches in places, once a bit deeper. Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Old bikes – Funny geometry to these, like india. What’s with that seat? Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Precariously balanced – A sea stack with unusual geometry. Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – View from above – Looking down the coast. Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Volcanic tuft. – This stuff was deadly sharp. I climbed a sea stack and crossed some on top, which snapped under me and I fell. The cuts were knife like – youch. Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Unusual tree roots, on top of old sea stack – Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – The REAL sponge, no bob – Natural sea sponge Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Sign we found with some rather long names. – Washed up on the beach. I took it home to California. Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Watch out, she’s armed – Sneaky little machete. Java – Speargun for fish – The water must have been 6 to 12 inches above normal, but I guess there is always standing water, so there were small fish around the tree roots. These guys had a homemade rubber band spear gun and had caught a few. Java – Flooding all around – Mostly shallow. Near Bulak Benda, West Java coast, Indonesia Java – Bensin time. – Bensin is gas – you buy what you need and run it till it’s dry. Everyone sells Bensin in clear bottles. Java – Gucci in the flood – It seems the Gucci towel can be found all over Indo! Java – They cannot look out far … – They cannot look in deep, But when was that a bar, to any watch they keep. Classic ocean-gazing, Java. Java – Kinda deep -Rice Paddy Floods – This one was especially deep, Jeremy took a picture as I crossed it. Java – Finally we reach Batukaras, and find they DO have Banana Boats. – Banana boats, a favorite of the local tourists. We say school groups and even some “team building” challenges going for the banana boat option. Kinda silly, but the locals make coin off it so… Batukaras Java Java – The beach at Batukaras, Java – Not especially good weather during our stay, but still very nice! Java – The main point was surfing! Woo – I never get to go to a beach and relax on a coffee trip. Last time I was in Indo, I swore I would, next time. Well this was next time. The surf was lousy by most standards, but the water warm and it was still fun. surf photos by jeremy tooker. batu karas Java – Java cove hotel, swank but straightforward too. – A nice place to stay, reasonable rates. Just could do without the 24 hour music soundtrack at the hip bar/resto. Java – Parting shot. – The end – from Batukaras, West Java. Java –
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