Kenya Coffee – Practices Processing Quality

A video travelog I created in Kenya focusing on the quality created (or lost) in the processing of coffee.

This is a voice-over video walking through the flow of coffee at a Kenyan “coffee factory” (which is what a coffee wet mill is called here).

These are video clips from my current trip, trying to focus on key quality aspects like the sorting of coffee cherry before it is processed, and the quality of the drying beds. I am traveling in Nyeri, Kirinyaga, Kiambu and Muranga counties on this trip, visiting stations we have bought from in the past couple harvest seasons.

Proccessing … it’s not the most exciting stuff. But coffee processing matters for the final cup. At the end I have some post-trip thoughts on whether these things that coffee buyers like me look for on their visits, are actually carried out at the mills, and if they should be when they don’t suit the functioning of the farm or cooperative. These may not be popular questions to ask in terms of putting a gloss on coffee sourcing, or for marketing coffee … but they are what I think about currently, after 18+ years of visiting Kenya to source coffee. -Thompson 

Check out our current Kenya coffee offerings on Sweet Maria’s, and Coffee Shrub

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