Sweet Maria’s Emailer 2/8/2019

Here’s the emailer that we sent on 2/8. If you want to subscribe, sign up on the bottom of our homepage.

We just got a re-up of coffee cups from Japan. OK, technically some of them are tea cups but the designs were too awesome to pass up. We hope you like them as much as we do. Cat lovers…you might want to take a look.


Colombia Inzá Veredas VecinasCity+ constructs a framework of sucanat, panela, and toffee sweetness, lightly marked by raisin and almond notes in the finish. Full City boosts dark chocolate tones and milky body. Good for espresso.

Kenya Kirinyaga Kianguti Peaberry – An assemblage of clove, cinnamon and all-spice accent notes combine with raw sugar and molasses flavors, nettle herb tea, tart orange, and fragrant citron aroma. City+. Limited Supply. 1 LB Bags Only.

Flores Wolo Wio – Big body and weighty mouthfeel, a balancing undercurrent of unrefined sugars, notes of sweet bran muffin, cocoa powder, rice syrup, and honey-drizzled nut. Good for espresso.

Burundi Kayanza Kibingo Station – Fantastic pour over, aromatic tea notes like chamomile and blackberry leaf, deep raw sugar flavors, clove and mace spices, grape, dark berry and a tart cranberry and lemon-like brilliance. A lively, complex, and clean Burundi.

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