With comments for the Trespade Italian Mills, and the Salter Cast Iron Mills
Zassenhaus Zassenhaus Zassenhaus Zassenhaus Zassenhaus Zassenhaus Zassenhaus Zassenhaus Zassenhaus
To adjust your grinder:
* Turn the knurled adjusting nut on the handle shaft counter-clockwise until it cannot go any further (don’t force it), then turn it clockwise one turn. Operate the handle by turning it clockwise (remember, always crank your grinder clockwise!) and if you feel resistance, turn the adjusting nut further clockwise. When you no longer feel resistance or hear any metallic sound from the burrs, you are set to grind for Filter Coffee. One half turn clockwise from this position will produce an excellent filter coffee grind. With the adjusting nut turned all the way clockwise, you are set for your coarsest grind. In review:
* Filter Drip: turn the adjusting nut fully counter-clockwise, then turn it clockwise just to the point where the burrs no longer contact each other.
* French PressA simple coffee brewer also called a Press Pot: grounds and hot water are added to a carafe, allowed to sit for several minutes, and then a filter...: Turn the adjusting nut 3/4 turn clockwise (coarser) From the filter drip setting -Adjust according to taste. I know, it looks fine. But try it! Finer is better! Remember, the optimal grind for any coffee brewingThe process of making an infusion of water and roasted, ground coffee. In the most basic sense, hot water is added to coffee ground to produce a drink.... method is the finest setting possible that will still keep sediment from escaping the filter/screen into the brew.
Turkish Mill: The Burrs should rub continuously when set correctly. Your adjusting nut is underneath the burrs.
Grain Mill: The adjustment dial is marked for Fine and Coarse.
* Can the Zassenhaus grind finer? Sure! The burrs are tool grade steel. Personally, I use my box mill for espressoA small coffee beverage, about 20 ml, prepared on an espresso machine where pressurized hot water extracted through compressed coffee.: In its most stripped-down, basic form, this is..., and set it at a point where the burrs meet Fully!. Don’t be afraid ; they can handle it.
* Don’t Forget: Always turn the handle clockwise while grinding beans.
* Dont fret too much about the burrs rubbing at some point in the cycle, if that setting produces the grind you want. These are hard steel burrs and the rotation speeds are slow, so little heat is generated.
* Some mills require breaking in; the knurled adjusting nut may move a bit stiff at first, and the crank arm may get hung up in its setting. This is normal, and will clear itself up soon! When setting the grind from finer to coarser -push down on the nut at the center of the shaft on top.
* The easiest way to grind coffee is to hold the mill between your thighs or knees while seated and crank away. I do this even with my box mill. Your great-grandmother could have told you that!
* Zassenhaus mills can be used for milling specialty flours, grinding hard spices (pods, etc.) and pepper. But these will affect the coffee flavorThe overall impression in the mouth, including the origin character as well as tastes that come from the roast.: This is the overall impression in the mouth, including... so you may need to thoroughly clean the burrs by running rice through the mill after using for other purposes.
To keep your grinder in good condition:
* Clean the exterior finished wood with Murphy’s Soap or the equivalent.
* The drive shaft has nylon and/or brass bearings and does not require lubrication.
* Every 3 months, grind 1/3 cup of “minute rice” to keep the burrs clean. Some people prefer to use Grape Nuts cereal for this!
* You can grind Peppercorns, spices , etc in the mill, but you might risk tainting your coffee with these aromas. Rice will help clear out other odors.
* The burrs never need sharpening and do not need cleaning if you use the “rice method” above, unless the deposits of coffee oils and sediment becomes so thick that the burrs are not fully adjustable (this would occur first in the finest grind). Set the grinder to its coarsest setting. Remove the 2 or 4 phillips screws in the top of the grinder and remove the grinding mechanism to access the burrs. Clean them with a bottlebrush or old toothbrush. Do not use any water-based cleaning liquids!
Grain Mill: The adjustment on a Grain Mill is a bit different even though the burrs are the same high quality machined type. The auger shaft is spring loaded. be aware that sometimes fine sediment can start to impede adjustment of the mill, and jam up the spring. All you nned to do is remove the adjustment dial and washers (taking care to note their position for re-assembly) and then push the auger out the fron of the mill (away from the side with the crank handle. Then you have total access to the burrs and can remove any accumulation of fine powder.
Trespade Italian Cherrywood Mills: The grind adjustment is the notched nut on the shaft held in place by a locking pin. Hold back the pin and turn the nut clockwise (looking at the mill from above) for finer grind, counterclockwise for coarser.
Salter Cast Iron Mills: The adjustment for the grind is the L-shaped screw that comes out the back of the mill with the locknut on it. While facingFacing can mean turning toward, standing up to, being brave. But in coffee roasting though, it means scorching a roast.: Facing refers to scorch marks found on the... the back, loosening it counterclockwise results in coarser grinds, clockwise for finer. Tighten the locking nut afterwards!
Your grinder features a 10 year guarantee on the grinding mechanism. If your grinders breaks under normal usage conditions please present your sales receipt and grinder to Sweet Maria’s Coffee