Coffee Science: Coffee Agronomy and Plant Disease

Coffee research articles focusing on coffee farming practices, plant health, organic techniques, coffee pests and fungus.

There is a lot here, everything surrounding the coffee tree and farm. It covers fungal problems like leaf rust and also natural techniques like promoting pollinators / honeybees among coffee to improve fruiting. (Arabica is self-pollinating and doesn’t require cross-pollination, but the action of bees to open flowers increases pollination anyway).

There are specific articles from Brazil about studying local techniques. There are articles focusing on environmental aspects of coffee farming, water, soil and forest preservation.

This is one of 5 groupings of articles. Head back to the main Coffee Science page for links to the other sections!

I have collected over time from a variety of “open source” sites, shared directly with me, or other public archives. I am pretty fascinated with the research work focused on coffee and related issues. I am also not a scientist, economist or involved in Academia. I have an MFA!

If you are an author or are aware that any of these papers should not be available here, please contact me and I will respond promptly. I think it’s possible some work here that was emailed direct to me might not have been published for public access, but it’s hard to tell by the file itself. So please just communicate with us: [email protected] -Thompson

This is one of 5 groupings of articles. Head back to the main Coffee Science page for links to the other sections!

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