
castillo variety
castillo variety

Castillo is a selection of the Colombia cultivar that has become the most commonly grown coffee in Colombia. It is preferred to the older resistant variety, Variedad Colombia in some regards. Cenicafe developed this variety has the FNC of Colombia pushes farmers to plant it. But some buyers feel the cup is not as good as Caturra (including ourselves) and we avoid coffees with a high percent of Castillo. Contrary to cupping tests trying to validate the Castillo cup quality, we find we can discern Castillo versus Caturra and in blind cupping nearly always choose the later. While Castillo is supposed to provide resistance from the coffee leaf rust fungus (La Roya), the fungus adapts quickly. At last counting there had been nearly 40 improved version of Castillo released to farmers, yet the Roya continues to return.

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