Pink Bourbon

Presumably pink bourbon - looking more orange in this light
Presumably pink bourbon - looking more orange in this light

A variant of Bourbon that ripens to a pink color, versus a red color. As a variant, it is not really a coffee variety, but simply a mutation that has been reproduced through seed selection.

The added challenge to harvest ripe cherries is daunting. (With red bourbon, determining ripe color is easier for the pickers). I first encountered “Pink Bourbon” in El Salvador on the same farm that had the usual Red Bourbon as well as Orange Bourbon trees. It seemed pretty clear at the time that the differences in the coffee were not represented in the morphology of the plant. They had simply selected seed from plants that were ripening to different colors, and were able to reproduce that trait in the progeny. Coffee fruit with unique ripened color can occur in other varieties, as we see Variedad Colombia and Caturra plants with a yellow fruit variant as well.

Recent unverified tests have shown Pink Bourbon as an Ethiopia Landrace type, but the genetic distinction between Bourbon, Typica and Ethiopian types is so slight when tested, this does not actually mean this variant is unrelated to Red Bourbon. It’s notable that people who plant, sell, buy and roast Pink Bourbon etc, are all invested in claims that the cup is unique, better, sweeter, etc. But it’s difficult to do a true AB test of varieties with plants from the same location, same care, same harvest and processing specifications, etc to isolate the color of the fruit or even variant/variety as the sole reason for taste distinction. It may be the pinkness, it might not. It certainly is the thing highlighted in marketing that matters, and thats the color.

Pink Bourbon is called Bourbon Roseado in latin American countries. See Bourbon for the full definition.

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