Preview Our List of New Ethiopian Coffees for the Next 3 Weeks

With so many Ethiopian coffees on the way, here’s a preview of what to expect.

Green coffee jute bag from upcoming Buno Dambi Uddo lot stenciled with a drawing of Land Cruiser, a common site in Ethiopia.
Green coffee jute bags from upcoming Buno Dambi Uddo lot stenciled with a drawing of a Land Cruiser, a common site in Ethiopia.

Over the last two weeks, we’ve gone from no Ethiopian coffee, to more than we can possibly list! We’re pushing these fresh lots to the website just as fast as we can list them, and expect to add another 8 – 9 coffees over the next three weeks.

The coffees range from smaller lots from the Western regions of Bashasha and Agaro, to 100+ bag wet and dry process coffees from the Southern regions of Guji and Yirga Cheffe. The flavor profiles are as broad as the regional selection, and offer hefty berry-type naturals, to stone fruits and spiced notes, to the delicate, floral cups that we look for from the fully washed coffees of the Southern regions.

We know that it can be frustrating to go all in on a coffee, only to see us launch the one you’ve been waiting for the very next week! So that we don’t catch you off guard, here’s a preview of our new Ethiopian coffees we’re adding in the coming weeks. Hopefully the advance notice helps you plan ahead.

Week 9/27 – 10/1

  • Ethiopia Dry Process Buno Dambi Uddo: “Dambi Uddo” is a name we’ve featured in previous years, though not from this specific processing site. The coffee’s from the same region, and the cup is similar too. It has a complex mix of stone fruits, tropical fruits, and even green melon. Light roasts are floral, but more like fruited florals rather than actual flowers. A nice coffee to kick off the season with!
  • Ethiopia Dry Process Dari Kidame: Of the two dry process, this lot offers the most balance. It’s still fruited (we noted orange marmalade, mango, date, and more), but the fruit flavors are integrated into the coffee’s underlying bittersweetness. Dark roasts manage to pull out some blueberry too, which was a nice surprise.
  • Ethiopia Guji Goro Bedessa: This is a wet process coffee, and the cup flavors are clean and succinct when roasted light. Honey sweetness is one of this coffee’s highlights, a flavor that envelopes top note accents like apricot, English Breakfast tea, and aromatic jasmine. It also has this herbal rue note, something we tend to taste a lot in Guji coffees.

Week 10/4 – 10/8

  • Ethiopia Dry Process Hambela Dabaye: This lot is made up of coffee from several small holder farmers around Dame Dabaye, Hambela. I’m in love with the light roasts, where a strawberry jam flavor impacts the cup sweetness, and adds to the perceived acidity that is also like ripe berry. The cups are floral when roasted light, but much more intense with chocolate bittersweets when roasted to Full City. It’s worth noting there are some very small beans in the mix – probably 14 screen. I noticed some early snaps when roasting that preceded the beginnings of 1st Crack for the bulk of the coffee.
  • Ethiopia Dry Process Mansur Aba Hikam: This is the second year we’ve bought coffee from this single farmer estate. Lighter roasts promise a rustic-sweet overlay of palm sugar and pancake syrup, accents of dried fig, and a sticky-sweet fruit flavor that reminded me of coconut-covered date rolls. I’ve tagged this one to try as espresso later in the week as Full City roasts are incredibly bittersweet and chocolatey, and not too acidic either.
  • Ethiopia Agaro Musa Aba Lulesa: This wet-process coffee is from the Agaro region of Jimma, also a single farmer lot. I found it to be a little lower intensity in flavor than some of our other Ethiopias, which some folks will really enjoy. That said, a honey sweetness, stone fruit accents, and mild floral and tea-notes weave together a complex cup profile, and brought to mind some of our nicer Western Ethiopian coffees of years past, like Duromina for example. If you’re looking for an Ethiopia that’s versatile in the roaster, with a high potential for espresso too, this one should be on your radar.

Week 10/11 – 10/15

  • Ethiopia Organic Dry Process Bookkisa: This coffee just cleared our offsite storage facility and we finally were able to cup an arrival sample. First impressions are that Bookkisa is on the delicate side for a natural, with fruit flavors pointing to honey dew melon, with that floral aspect that incites a retronasal response. Really nice! I have a feeling from the shadow of cocoa underneath, that deeper roast development will pull out more of the high cocoa solids type bittersweetness, and perhaps alter fruited flavor notes some too. Can’t wait to play with roast levels when we have more green next week!
  • Ethiopia Hambela Benti Nenka: We’re familiar with Benti Nenka coffee via the dry process lot we bought last year (same group as Hambela Dabaye), but this is our first go-around with a wet process version of this coffee. Our initial cup tests showed sweetness akin to sugar cane juice, with hints of raisin, orange zest, and other dried fruits. It brought to mind fruit pastries, scones with dried fruit! This is another Ethiopia I think will work at a variety of roasts – and the fruit flavors will likely shift with deeper roasting – but we’ve only tried the one light City roast so far.

These coffees hardly scratch the surface of our entire Ethiopian volume, most of which has landed this month. Barring unforeseen delivery snafus, you can expect these coffees on the weeks we have them listed (but we may try to squeeze one or two more in if we can physically manage the work!)

In the meantime, check out our current Ethiopia lineup on Sweet Maria’s or Coffee Shrub.

Get a more broad snapshot of incoming coffee origins in our Green Coffee Outlook

4 Responses

    1. The short answer is no, although it’s more complicated. Defining “wild” would be difficult, essentially. Most coffee, even that in forests on shared or public land, is in fact intentionally planted coffee.

    1. Yes- it was one of the last coffees to come in from Ethiopia so it was very delayed … I am not sure when we will get it physically into the warehouse and up on the list though. It will be announced in our weekly email though, if you are subscribed. Sorry I can’t be more exact

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