Video: Metal Aeropress Filters

Sept. 13, 2018

We are carrying this pair of metal filters for your Aeropress. They offer some brewing options and a little more body to your cup with no paper waste. You can even experiment with using both of them at the same time. Tom’s also tried Aeropress brewing into a Rattleware Cupping Brewer to eliminate most of the sediment that sneaks though all non-paper filters.

Metal Aeropress Filters video

CLICK HERE to check them out on our website.

Aeropress with our metal filter disc
Aeropress with our metal filter disc
For $6 you get two discs that can be used separately to different effect, or used in combination.
For $6 you get two discs that can be used separately to different effect, or used in combination.
Aeropress metal filter disk set
Aeropress metal filter disk set

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