Cafestol is a lipid found in the coffee bean and in brewed coffee. It is at higher levels in unfiltered
Cafestol is a lipid found in the coffee bean and in brewed coffee. It is at higher levels in unfiltered
An alkaloidal compound that has a physiological effect on humans, and a bittering taste. It is found throughout the coffee
A standard volume measurement for coffee cherry used in Costa Rica. A Cajuela is a standard box size, or can
A refined sugar, that has a no rustic sweetness. This was called “refined sugar” but has been rebranded as “cane
An espresso-based beverage with steamed silky milk on top, averaging 150-190 ml: Cappuccino is an espresso-based beverage with steamed silky
A defect term referring to oxidized unpleasantly sharp cheese flavor.: A defect term referring to oxidized, unpleasantly sharp cheese flavor,
The Spanish-language term for Peaberry is the same for “snail”. See Peaberry for more information on the single bean fruit
Caramel is a desirable form of sweetness found in the flavor and aroma of coffee, and is an extension of
A reaction involving sugars that occurs during coffee roasting. A caramelized sugar is less sweet, but has greater complexity of
A decaffeination method where beans are placed in a liquid bath of highly-pressurized CO2. As I understand it, supercritical CO2
A roast-related flavor term, referring to burnt flavors from dark roast levels. For some this is a pleasant flavor if
Castillo is a selection of the Colombia cultivar that has become the most commonly grown coffee in Colombia. It is
A coffee non-profit research organization in Costa Rica: CATIE graduate school and training program, research headquarters and an outreach center
Catigua coffee variety is a cross between Yellow Catuai IAC 86 and Hibrido de Timor. it was developed in 1980s
Catimor is a broad group of cultivars derived from a Hibrido de Timor (HdT) and Caturra cross, highly productive, sometimes
Catuai is a high-yield Arabica cultivar resulting from a cross of Mundo Novo and yellow Caturra. The tree is short,
Caturra is an Arabica cultivar discovered as a natural mutant of Bourbon in Brazil in the first decade of the
Coffee Berry Borer is a pest that burrows into the coffee seed, and a major problem in many coffee origins.
Cellulose is the principle fiber of the cell wall of coffee. It is partially ordered (crystalline) and partially disordered (amorphous).
Cenicafe is the Colombia research organization, and promotes research in coffee to aid Colombia coffee farmers, as part of the
Central American coffee is known for its “classic,” balanced profile.: Central American coffee is known for its “classic,” balanced profile.
Chaff is paper-like skin that comes off the coffee in the roasting process. Chaff from roasting is part of the
Channeling refers to the formation of small water jets during espresso brewing due to poorly distributed grounds. When high-pressure water
This is a new caffeine-free coffee from Cameroon, the first record of a caffeine-free species from Central Africa. Cameroon is
A coffee that has a kitchy quality, or literally cheese-like flavors in the cup. The second is actually a trade
A glass filter drip coffee brewer with an extended brew time. For more information on Chemex brewers, check out our
A decaffeination method where beans are soaked in hot water, which is then treated with a chemical that bonds to
A tropical fruit found in Colombia, with complex tropical fruit flavors. Very aromatic.: In coffee, a specific multi-faceted tropical fruit
Either a flavor in the coffee, or referring to the fruit of the coffee tree, which somewhat resembles a red
Chicory was a popular coffee substitute and economizer for 2 centuries, back when coffee was more prized, and pure coffee
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Oakland, CA 94608
(510) 371- 4882
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