I put together some video clips from a quick trip to see Tanzania coffee farms near Moshi, Kilimanjaro. Here’s my 13 minute travel video…
Here’s a travel video from my trip last month to TanzaniaIn terms of the Tanzania coffee character, it belongs to the Central/East African family of washed (wet-processed) coffees, bright (acidy), and mostly aggressively flavorful of which Kenya is.... It was a quick look at some coffee sites around Moshi near Kilimanjaro in the north.
I have not been to this area before, and was surprised by the lush coffee farms and wet climate. Water is not so abundant in other coffee regions of Tanzania, like Mbeya and Mbozi where we focus most of our buying.
Tanzanian coffee travels to Moshi Kilimanjaro area in the North, 2023
Ross and Peter showed me a few cooperatives, called Amcos here, in the area of Moshi and Rombo. I added some clips from a day trip to Bongoyo island off Dar, especially since the forest there reminded me of the original coffee forest of Mankira, EthiopiaEthiopia, formerly known as Abyssinia, or a coffee cultivar: Ethiopia, or more specifically the Empire under Haile Selassie, was known as Abyssinia. The name is Latin, derived from... I have visited.
More on Tanzania as a coffee originIn coffee talk, it refers to a coffee-producing region or country; such as, "I was just at origin." Of course "Origin" for most product we use is not... can be found on our library site here:
… and Tanzania coffee can be found at Sweet Maria’s here: https://www.sweetmarias.com/green-coffee/africa-arabia/tanzania.html
#TanzanianCoffee #Tanzaniacoffeeareas #Kilimanjarocoffee #MoshiTanzania
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4 Responses
Hello, I’m a steady customer of yours. I’m planning a safari trip with my daughter this early summer or next.
For myself, I’d love to tour a few coffee farms while there. Would also like to bring home some quality beans to roast. My preference are beans for a dark roast, full City plus to Espresso.
Any recommendations for a self-guided tour?
Thank you,
Hi Bruce! Wow, sounds like an amazing trip. Unfortunately, I don’t think any of the sites we work with offer tours. However, being an eco-tourism destination, I’m sure you could find something online. As far as quality of tours, I think seeing processing sites and getting out to farms would be educational no matter who is offering the tour. That time of year, I would expect there to be coffee on the trees, but actual processing probably won’t start until Dec or so, once the harvest is underway. Still, I highly recommend visiting a farm if you can. It’s the kind of thing that ‘clicks’ when you see it all first-hand.
All the best,
I was just visiting Tanzania, climbed Kilimanjaro and of course visited some coffee farms and a Co-Op. Burma estates was very welcoming, nothing self guided but they took my wife and I around and showed us the farms and their processing etc. APK was also very welcoming. With their multiple farms, it was interesting to see their processes compared to Burma, and other farms. Mamsera CoCop, extremely friendly. We did not see many of the farms associated with the Cooperative, but visited with the officers of the Co-Op and saw their storage and a small farm adjacent to their storage. Amazing trip for sure…. We look forward to heading back.
Sounds like a great trip!