A simple espresso drink: a shot of espresso with a small dollop of foamed milk on top.: A simple espresso
A simple espresso drink: a shot of espresso with a small dollop of foamed milk on top.: A simple espresso
An important reaction in coffee roasting that results in the browning of the green coffee seed.: The Maillard reaction is
An acid that adds to favorable perceptions of cup quality; malic acid often adds apple-like acidity, and perhaps other taste
A trade name used for wet-hulled Sumatra coffees. It is an area and a culture group as well (spelled Mandailing
A burr grinder powered by hand-turning a crank. Manual grinders can be cheaper than their electric counterparts, and they produce
As the name indicates cross between large-bean Maragogype and Catuai cultivars. It has a larger than average bean and interesting
As the name indicates cross between large-bean Maragogype and Caturra cultivars. : As the name indicates cross between large-bean Maragogype
Maragogype is a mutation of Typica coffee and was discovered in Brazil. The Maragogype is a large plant with big
Meters Above Sea Level … altitude that is…: Meters Above Sea Level, altitude that is…
MASL means Meters Above Sea Level. It’s a fancy way of indicating altitude, and with coffee this means how high
Also spelled M’buni or Buni, this is a Swahili term that refers to dry-process coffee.: Also spelled M’buni or Buni,
Mechanical dryers are used as an alternative to sun-drying coffee on a patio, either due to poor weather, or when
Medicine-like, alcohol or chemical type flavor taint.: A defective flavor characterized by a penetrating medicine-like, alcohol or chemical type taint
A blend containing a coffee that has been roasted to a different levels (or steps) – light to dark.: A
A general primary-to-secondary post gustatory flavor characterization, often called “rich” or alternately “smooth” Coffee that has been hanging out in
A solvent-based method for washing the caffeine out of coffee. Called MC decaf for short: The Methylene Chloride decaf method
Mexican coffee originates from South-central to Southern regions of the country. For that reason, coffees from Coatepec and Veracruz are
A Bourbon cultivar variant from Rwanda and Burundi. Bourbon coffees are named for the island in the Indian Ocean were
A term that designates not only a small volume of coffee, but a lot produced separately, discreetly picked or processed
Small independent mills that produced finished coffee, ready for export, usually right on the farm. A Micromill is a tiny
We use this term to denote a coffee-producing sub-region within a larger coffee area – Micro-Region is more specific coffee-producing
Mineral buildup formed over time as hard water is heated in a boiler.: Mineral buildup formed over time as hard
A flavor or aroma reminiscent of minerals.: A flavor or aroma reminiscent of minerals, which can be a positive characteristic
A flavor hint of mint found in coffee, which could indicate a clean and brisk mint hint, or a more
Moka Pot stovetop brewers produce a dense concentrated cup that’s something between espresso and Turkish coffee. Coffee is placed into
The Yemeni type of coffee, both in terms of the family of cultivars planted there, and the general trade name.:
A method of ageing coffee in India where the unroasted coffee is exposed to humid monsoon winds.: Monsooned coffees are
How a coffee feels in the mouth or its apparent texture, a tactile sensation : A major component in the
Mucilage indicates the fruity layer of the coffee cherry, between the outer skin and the parchment layer that surrounds the
A spice mix for adding flavor and aroma to a warm beverage, apple cider or wine. This mix might include
2823 Adeline Street
Oakland, CA 94608
(510) 371- 4882
Mon-Fri 10:00am-4:00pm PST
All content, text and media, are Copyright 1997-2025 Sweet Maria’s Coffee Inc. Please email [email protected] with any reuse request!