
West Java -View the next morning, clear and spectacular
View the next morning, clear and spectacular - Amazing clarity in the mornings, humid haze in the afternoons Java -

Java is an island in Indonesia, home to Jakarta. Coffee cultivation in Java likely started with the Dutch, who initially planted coffee near the capital of Batavia, in the region of Bogor. This area is now famous for tea.

Historically, Java coffees were wet-processed, with a clean cup for an Indonesian coffee. While many Indonesian coffees from Sumatra and Sulawesi were wet-hulled and had a more rustic set of flavors, Java was wet-processed coffee, a cup without earthy or mossy flavors.

Our experience is that early lots of Timor and Java can be the finest while in Central Americans you usually need to hold out for the mid-crop to late-crop samples. But there are always exceptions…
In the case of Sumatra and Sulawesi, it seems that the second to third wave of arrivals can be the best. Of course, these truisms are made to be broken… that’s why samples and cupping are always the key. In the past we liked the East Java coffees such as Jampit or Kayumas, what was once referred to as the PTP Government Estate coffees. These had more pronounced body than other wet process coffees, but could have herbal notes and lack acidity, partly because of the hybrids used in the area. Central and West Java (Sunda) can be quite different, and our focus for the last 15 years has been with the West Java producers roughly centered in the area of Bandung.

(Java also refers to a variety that is unrelated to Java the island, a type found mainly in Central America but supposedly originating in Cameroon. See Java Variety).

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