A tropical fruit found in Colombia, with complex tropical fruit flavors. Very aromatic.: In coffee, a specific multi-faceted tropical fruit
A tropical fruit found in Colombia, with complex tropical fruit flavors. Very aromatic.: In coffee, a specific multi-faceted tropical fruit
“Chiroso” is the name given to a unique variety of coffee rediscovered in Colombia in the early 2000’s, and is
Chlorogenic acids (CGAs) are important to coffee flavor, contributing to flavor when in the proper balance and level. They are
A general flavor or aroma term reminiscent of chocolate. But what type? Usually described with more specifics.: Chocolate is a
Citric acid is, in moderate amounts, a component of good, bright coffees. It is a positive flavor acid in coffee
Qualities in coffee that are reminiscent of a citrus fruit; orange, lemon, grapefruit, kumquat, etc.: Qualities in coffee that are
City roast is what we define as the earliest palatable stage that the roast process can be stopped and result
City+ roast is an ideal roast level that occurs roughly between 425 and 435 degrees Fahrenheit in many coffee roasters
A general characterization of a coffee, implying that it fits an ideal, predetermined taste profile for that particular origin.: Classic
Clean cup refers to a coffee free of taints and defects. It does not imply sanitary cleanliness, or that coffees
Articulated characteristics in the cup, without distraction.: Clarity refers to well-defined characteristics in the cup, aromas or flavors that come
The botanical genus colloquially referred to as the “coffea genus,” which is comprised of over 120 individual species. These are
Abbreviated as CBD: A fungal disease that results in cherry dying and dropping to the ground before it is ripe.:
The process of making an infusion of water and roasted, ground coffee. In the most basic sense, hot water is
Originally coffee literature referred to the fruit of the tree as a “berry” but in time it became a cherry.
The Coffee Crop Cycle refers to the period of growth of the cherry to maturation and harvest. Coffee has one
Coffea Arabica is susceptible to a host of diseases, such as Coffee Berry Disease (CBD), Coffee Berry Borer (CBB, also
In Kenya, a “Factory” is actually a coffee wet mill (called a washing station in other parts of Africa) where
A mechanism (usually paper or a metal or nylon mesh) for straining coffee ground from brewed coffee.
The overall impression in the mouth, including the origin character as well as tastes that come from the roast.: This
The rating of either a sample or a full lot, according to national standards for export. Nearly every county of
The evaluation and scoring of physical coffee defects in green coffee.: Coffee grading is the technical skill of evaluating and
Coffee Grinder is the name used for a mill to convert the bean into a powder. In fact the grinder
Coffee is grown in a belt around the world – roughly from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of
Coffee can be separated by lot in any number of ways usually by the processor to distinguish one area of
A coffee mill might mean a coffee grinder, but we usually use the term to refer to a coffee processing
Region is a more specific area within the country. Arabica coffee grows roughly between the Tropic of Cancer and the
Region denotes a coffee-producing area, a more specific zone within the country.: Region is a more specific area within the
The study of the agronomy of coffee, its chemistry, or other improvements: The study of the agronomy of coffee, its
A machine for roasting coffee. Or the person operating it! The basic requirements for a coffee roaster are a heating
2823 Adeline Street
Oakland, CA 94608
(510) 371- 4882
Mon-Fri 10:00am-4:00pm PST
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