Sweet Maria’s Emailer 3/29/2019

Here’s the emailer that we sent on 3/29. If you want to subscribe, sign up on the bottom of our homepage.

We’re rolling out The Special as a simple, quick way to order an 8 pound set of green coffee and know you’re getting a good deal. You get 2 pounds of each of the coffees below for only $40.
-Ethiopia Agaro Sadi Loya Coop
-Flores Wolo Bobo

-Brazil Don Jose Maria Yellow Catuai

-Guatemala Xinabajul Cuilco Productores


Burundi Honey Process MurambiCity+ brews are centered around honey, syrupy mouthfeel, molasses bread, pulpy fruit, lemongrass accent, and inky body. Big dark chocolate flavors at Full City along with a maraschino cherry note.

Papua New Guinea Baroida Estate – A sweet, earth-toned coffee with herbal honey sweetness, accents of basil and fresh tarragon, a saturated green tea flavor, rustic palm and date sugars, tart citrus, and sandalwood aroma.

Kenya Nyeri Gichichi AA – Gichichi is a vibrant Kenya, with fruited sweetness that falls somewhere between berry/raw sugar reductions and grape juice, with accents of orange, dried cranberry, cascara tea, and strawberry lemonade.

Peru Huabal San Francisco – Toasted sugar, bittering cocoa notes, red fruit accents, and soft tea-like acidic impression. Deeper roasting brings out flavor qualities akin to German chocolate cake with berry filling.

Nicaragua Honey Process Buenos Aires Maracaturra – Marzipan aroma and flavors of molasses, nougat, burnt sugar candies, almond, and a dried apple accent note. Pleasing tea-like acidity comes into view in light roasts too.

Peru Huabal Perlamayo – Raw sugar sweetness, hazelnut and walnut accents, along with dried apple and peach tea. Bittersweet the darker you roast, and fruited hints hold up to roast development. Good for espresso.

Sumatra Honey Basah Jernih Jaya – This unique hybrid process technic constructs a complex fruited cup: rice syrup sweetness, berry, cooked pineapple, dried papaya, canned stone fruit and an herbal overlay that adds a Lintong-like hue.

Limmu Kossa in Western Ethiopia is an extraordinary place. It’s a 350 hectare (about 1.35 square miles) organic and rain forest certified coffee farm. Tom shot this video during his last visit.
