As the name implies, Pacamara is a large bean cultivar, a cross between Pacas and Maragogype with unique flavor properties.
As the name implies, Pacamara is a large bean cultivar, a cross between Pacas and Maragogype with unique flavor properties.
A mutation of Bourbon cultivar that appeared in El Salvador in 1949: Pacas is a natural mutation of Bourbon cultivar
Pache is a mutation of Typica cultivar that orginates in Guatemala: Pache is a dwarf mutation of Typica coffee first
Panama coffee ranges from medium quality lower altitude farms to those at 1600 – 1800 meters centered in the area
Panela is the minimally processed sugar with floral and vanilla accents: Found in Colombia (and noted to be best in
The mushroom-like projections on the tongue that contain taste buds.: Papilla (or Papillae in plural) mushroom-like projections on the tongue
Papua New Guinea (PNG) occupies the eastern half of the island it shares with the Indonesian province of Irian Jaya,
Parainema is a hybrid with some disease resistance developed in Honduras by IHCAFE (Instituto Hondureño del Café). It is related
Green coffee still in its outer shell, before dry-milling, is called Parchment coffee (pergamino). In the wet process, coffee is
A very aromatic fruit used for juice, or to eat directly. In coffee it can be found in the aroma
Refers to an older coffee not from the “New Crop” or the “Current Crop”. Cuppers will even use it as
Patio-drying is a term to indicate that a coffee was dried in the sun after processing, on a paved or
A peaberry is a green coffee “bean” that has a rounded form: Coffee is the dried seed from the fruit
A rather mythical term, or marketing term: In some coffee-producing origins, there is a period of time in the middle
Penagos Hermanos is a Colombian company that produces demucilage coffee processors. This is a forced demucilage machine that uses little
A type of coffee brewer where water is “percolated” through a mass of ground coffee to extract the flavor. :
Peruvian coffees have Central American brightness but in a South American coffee flavor package overall. The good organic lots do
A compound in coffee that at high levels contributes to negative flavors, but can have positive aspects as well: Phenols
One of many acids that contribute to positive flavor perception in coffee. More phosphoric acid might lead to the sense
A Brazilian coffee equipment manufacturer, that produces a wide range of equipment for wet-mills and dry-mills, coffee hullers, density sorters,
A variant of Bourbon that ripens to a pink color, versus a red color. As a variant, it is not
Ancestral grapefruit from Southeast Asia – it has mild grapefruit flavor but low bitterness. In a coffee description , this
The part of an espresso machine which holds the filter basket, into which coffee grounds are placed.: The part of
A cup taint with the strong smell of raw potato, caused by a bacteria that then triggers a pyrazine reaction,
A manual drip brewing method involving hot water, a filter of some kind. : New attention is being given to
An espresso machine is said to use pre-infusion if it applies a moderate amount of pressure to the coffee before
Preparation refers to the dry-milling steps of preparing coffee for export: hulling, grading, classifying, sorting.: Preparation refers to the dry-milling
A coffee research firm in El Salvador: Procafé is the Fundación Salvadoreña para Investigaciones del Café, a coffee research firm
2823 Adeline Street
Oakland, CA 94608
(510) 371- 4882
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