Lost and Found Coffee

April 14, 2016

Your favorite coffee from Sweet Maria’s is a seasonal crop and will one day in the next few months (brace yourself) go out of stock until next season’s crop arrives. It happens all the time, with all coffees. If you come across a single origin coffee that is available all year, the company offering it probably got a good deal, bought too much of it and is selling old coffee at a low price. As you wait for your favorite to return, consider this a good time to try new coffees with similar flavors and characteristics.

Here’s a few that we recently ran out of, and a few recommendations/replacements that we think you will enjoy. It would have been too easy to suggest replacements from the same countries, so in the spirit of adventure we did our best to recommend coffees from other places that still have characteristics in common with your long lost favorite.


Ethiopia Yirga Cheffe Kela Kochore

Kela Kochore had a delicate, shimmering profile with a saturated red honey sweetness. Mandarin orange, sweet lime brightness, pomelo and bittersweet cocoa notes in darker roasts.

Try these…

Burundi Mutambu Rubanda

Kenya Nyeri Gatomboya AB


Papua New Guinea Bauka Plantation

This coffee was very intense with deep sweetness and juicy, fruited accents. We tasted notes of honey, molasses, pineapple glaze, guava, fruit teas and baking spice.

Try these…

Ethiopia Kaffa Michiti Co-op

Colombia Guintar de Anza Microlot

Colombia Inza Veredas Vecinos


Guatemala Patzun Finca Santa Anita

Fruit juice or bodied fruit nectar were the highlighted attributes of this coffee. Raw honey, darker fruits and cocoa flavors rounded out an already hefty, elegant cup.

Try these…

Ethiopia Organic Tencho Cooperative

Guatemala Huehuetenango Finca Rosma


Ethiopia Illubabor Baaroo Cooperative

Baaroo had a nice citrus notes without any jarring acidity. Juicy stone fruits, honey and spice accents rounded out this very sweet and versitile cup. We tried suggesting replacements that were from other contries but in this case, along with a Rwanda we had to steer you towards the two Ethiopias below because they are just that good!

Try these…

Ethiopia Kaffa Michiti Co-op

Ethiopia Organic Tencho Cooperative

Rwanda Kivu Kanzu


Tanzania Mara District Peaberry

This coffee balanced out sweet and bittersweet notes. We really enjoyed notes of blackberry, citus juices, bittersweet bakers chocolate and cacao.

Try these…

Colombia Tolima Planadas-Ataco

Congo Bweremana Tufadike Cooperative

Tanzania Mara Tarime


Honduras Ocotepeque Lentago Farm

This was a very balanced cup with caramelized sugar, lightly fruited, tea-like acidity, vanilla-caramel and cocoa nib notes.

Try these…

Guatemala Huehuetenango Finca Rosma

Guatemala Huehuetenango – El Turbante

Panama Boquete Camiseta Estate



Colombia Pavón – La Galunga “Orfir”

Complex sugars and fruit notes defined this cup. Fruit juices too, with layers of caramelizing sugar sweetness

Try these…

Colombia Caicedo Las Aguacates

Ethiopia Gedeo Zone Gedeb Asasa

Congo Bweremana Tufadike Cooperative


Guatemala Antigua Finca Pavon

This Guatemala had up-front brown sugar notes, fruit juice acidity and raisin-like cacao top notes.

Try these…

Guatemala Huehuetenango Xinabajul Peaberry

Bali Bangli Manikliyu

Java Gunung Owa


Panama Horqueta La Gloria Estate

This is what we consider a “coffee” coffee, a coffee with great basic notes that we think would be great to drink every day. It had cane juice, bittering cacao notes, roasted almond and a pleasant tea-like acidity.

Try these…

Mexico Organic Celso Garcia Co-op

Java Gunung Owa

Nicaragua Finca Buenos Aires Caturra

