Podcast: Coffee Cultivation in Colombia PART 2 (Podcast Ep. 14)

Nov. 13, 2015

PART 2 of 2

“This second part is a discussion of coffee varieties like Caturra and Castillo. This isn’t really a podcast. It’s a recorded Skype conversation. The quality is pretty low. But if you are dying to know details of the issues facing coffee farmers in Colombia, there’s some nuggets of wisdom in here (if you can hear them over the car alarm in the background, ha ha). Leonardo Henao occupies a unique position to discuss Colombian coffee. He has training in agronomy and business, works with many small farmers around the country to source and export their coffee, is a confident cupper and roaster, and now is planting a farm in the Urrao area of Antioquia with unique (and technically forbidden) varieties of coffee like Moka, old Caturra, Gesha and Bourbon.  For most, this is dull stuff. Not for me, and maybe not for you.”  -Tom

Part 1 of the conversation is here.

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