Our monthly digest from the Sweet Maria’s Email list, announcing new coffees, new content and new events!
April 2020 offerings are all listed here, for your reference. If you want to read about our arriving coffee, events, product and news, sign up for our emailer.
April 1, 2020

GuatemalaGuatemalan coffee is considered a top quality coffee producer in Central America. Due to our proximity to Guatemala, some of the nicest coffees from this origin come to... Proyecto Xinabajul Familia CastilloCastillo is a selection of the Colombia cultivar that has become the most commonly grown coffee in Colombia. It is preferred to the older resistant variety, Variedad Colombia... – Intensely sweet cup, caramelized sugar sweetnessSweetness is an important positive quality in fine coffees, and is one of five basic tastes: Sour, Sweet, Salty, Bitter, Savory (Umami). In coffee, sweetness is a highly..., turbinadoTurbinado sugar, also known as turbinated sugar, is made from sugar cane extract. It is produced by crushing freshly cut sugar cane; the juice obtained is evaporated by... and demurara. Accents of raisin, fig and elegant, green grape acidityAcidity is a positive flavor attribute in coffee, also referred to as brightness or liveliness. It adds a brilliance to the cup, whereas low acid coffees can seem.... A well-rounded coffee! Good for espressoA small coffee beverage, about 20 ml, prepared on an espresso machine where pressurized hot water extracted through compressed coffee.: In its most stripped-down, basic form, this is.... Guatemala Patzun FincaSpanish 101: Finca is the Spanish word for farm. Sometimes the term Hacienda is used to imply an Estate, which would mean the farm has its own wet-mill.... Las Camelias – Versatile and balanced, notes of brown sugarBrown sugar is a type of sweetness found in coffee ...a sweetness characterized by a hint of molasses, yet quite refined as well. Since Brown sugar of the..., baking cocoa, dark chocolateA general flavor or aroma term reminiscent of chocolate. But what type? Usually described with more specifics.: Chocolate is a broad, general flavor or aroma term reminiscent of... and a hint of black tea with lemonLemon notes, as well as other related citrusy flavors or acidities, are prized in coffee. These usually express themselves as a bright accent in the cup, or aromatic... in the finishSimilar to aftertaste, but it refers to the impression as the coffee leaves the palate. Aftertaste is the sensations gathered after the coffee has left the mouth. We.... Immense chocolate and bodyAssociated with and sensed by mouthfeel, body is sense of weight and thickness of the brew, caused by the percentage of soluble solids in the cup, including all.... Good for espresso. Guatemala Peña Blanca Familia Villatoro – Intense sweetness at an array of roasts, sturdy core bitterBitterness is one of 5 basic tastes: Sour, Sweet, Salty, Bitter and Umami (savory flavors). There are many types of bitterness, hence not one avenue to tracking down... and sweet flavors, berry accent notes, a green appleAn acid that adds to favorable perceptions of cup quality; malic acid often adds apple-like acidity, and perhaps other taste aspects recalling apples. Malic acid is yet another... hint that also characterizes acidity. Good milk drink option. Good for espresso. |

Did you know you can heat seal coffee valve bags at home? Check out our latest video. We’ll show you how to do it with a household iron.
April 3, 2020

EthiopiaEthiopia, formerly known as Abyssinia, or a coffee cultivar: Ethiopia, or more specifically the Empire under Haile Selassie, was known as Abyssinia. The name is Latin, derived from... Agaro Nano Challa Lot 10 – Clover honeyIn coffee, honey-like sweetness is often found, but we use terms such as refined honey (highly filtered and processed) as opposed to raw honey rustic honey sweetness. This... sweetness reaches a floralFloral notes in coffee exemplify the connection between taste and smell. Describing the taste of a specific flower is near impossible...we always default to “it tastes like it... peak, with fruitedIn some coffee taster’s lexicon, “fruity” means the coffee is tainted with fruit, and “fruited” means a coffee is graced by positive fruit notes. We don't exactly see... notes of orangeOrange aromatics and flavors are prized in coffee, whether they take the form of sweet orange flesh and pulp, or orange peel. Orange flavors or aromatics can range... marmalade, peach preserves, apricot fruit roll ups and lemon rind. Hints of tenedam, ginger chews and Earl Grey. Good for espresso. SumatraIndonesians are available as a unique wet-hulled or dry-hulled (washed) coffees. Giling Basah is the name for the wet-hulling process in Bahasa language, and will have more body... Sipangan Bolon Parapat Village – An earth-y sweet, herbal-toned coffee with notes of palm sugar, dried basil, licorice and burdock roots, malted grain, aromatic cedar, peat, cacao and orange rind. Good for espresso. KenyaKenya is the East African powerhouse of the coffee world. Both in the cup, and the way they run their trade, everything is topnotch.: Kenya is the East... Nyeri Ichamama PeaberryA peaberry is a green coffee "bean" that has a rounded form: Coffee is the dried seed from the fruit of a flowering tree - each fruit having... – Ichamama delivers punchy acidity at a wide roast range, with flavors of blood orange, cranberry juice, tart lemon red berry and mulled grape juice. A delicious pour-over brew. Costa RicaCosta Rican coffee is typically very clean, sweet, with lots of floral accents. hey are prized for their high notes: bright citrus or berry-like flavors in the acidity,... Chirripo Finca Jose Lot 2 – Burned sugar bittersweetness accented by raisin, hazelnut, appleApple-like flavors in coffee can take on many different forms. The more common ones we use relate to malic acid brightness, which can recall different apple types: green... tea and baking cocoa in the finish. Chocolate roast flavors are up front when roasted to Full City and beyond. Good for Espresso. El SalvadorEl Salvador coffee had an undeservingly poor reputation for years, marred mostly by the inability to deliver coffee of high quality in an unstable political climate. Unfortunately, agriculture... Perquin Finca La Victoria – A clean, balanced cup that finds parity with coffees from Central America. Toffee, caramelCaramel is a desirable form of sweetness found in the flavor and aroma of coffee, and is an extension of roast taste. Extremely light or dark coffees will..., cocoa powder, chocolate bread, malted grains and almond meal. Good for espresso. TimorTimor-Leste (East Timor) is a tiny island between Australia and Sulawesi, annexed by Indonesia and liberated in a referendum several years ago. Small scale coffee farming was jump-started... Leste Haupu Lutlala– A delicious daily drinking coffee, with notes of chocolate torte, toffee-nut, Nutella and baking cocoa in the aftertasteAftertaste refers to lingering residual sensations in the mouth after coffee has swallowed. It might be distinguished from "finish" which is the final sensations of the coffee while.... Balanced bittersweetness from City+City+ roast is an ideal roast level that occurs roughly between 425 and 435 degrees Fahrenheit in many coffee roasters with a responsive bean probe where First Crack... to Full City+. Good for espresso. |

New video: Here’s a close up view of roast levels produced by an air roaster.
April 8, 2020

Sumatra Honey Labu AcehThe northernmost district in SumatraL Aceh District is north of North Sumatra and produces some very classic Sumatra coffees. The center of coffee in Aceh is Lake Tawar... Mengaya – A hybrid coffee process that’s resulted in a complexThe co-presence of many aroma and flavor attributes, with multiple layers. A general impression of a coffee, similar to judgments such as "balanced" or "structured" mixture rusticA general characterization of pleasantly "natural" flavors, less sophisticated and less refined, but appealing. : What is Rustic? This is a general term we came up with... Dried... and fruited flavors: date and palm sugars, green herbals, tobacco, raspberry, banana, a tropical fruit note. Intense! BurundiBurundi coffee bears resemblance to neighboring Rwanda, in both cup character, but also the culture surrounding coffee. Burundi is a small landlocked country at the crossroads of East... Monge Murambi Hill – Honey and raw sugar sweetness, bittering cocoa powder flavors, accented by hints of apple, clove, all spice, fragrant orange oil aromaAroma refers to sensations perceived by the olfactory bulb and conveyed to the brain; whether through the nose or "retro-nasally": The aromatics of a coffee greatly influence its... and black tea. Good for espresso. Burundi Kayanza Dusangirijambo Coop – Balanced sweet and bitter flavors give way to baking spice and fruited accents, Earl Grey tea, and lemon water acidity. Darker roasts have a chocolate-cherry flavor note. Kenya Kiambu Fram Farm PeaberryThe Spanish-language term for Peaberry is the same for "snail". See Peaberry for more information on the single bean fruit of the coffee tree. A peaberry is the... – Highlights include pineapple, blackberryBlackberry flavor in coffee sometimes relates to slightly more developed roast levels.: Blackberry is found as a fragrance, aroma or flavor in some coffees. I find that it... and orange juice. Full City sees rich chocolate flavors, dark berry and black currant jelly. A lot to take in! |

Sweet Maria’s team member Julio does more than humanly possible around our office and warehouse. He managed to spare a few minutes to share what coffees he thinks are great.

New video! Check out footage from Tom’s trip to Dusangirijambo Cooperative in Burundi.
April 10, 2020

Guatemala is such an important coffee originIn coffee talk, it refers to a coffee-producing region or country; such as, "I was just at origin." Of course "Origin" for most product we use is not... for us and it has taken us quite some time to connect with growers who consistently produce high scoring lots. Here’s an overview of our buying in Guatemala and some links to roasting fundamentals.

Are you a coffee roastingThe application of heat to green coffee seeds (beans) to create palatable material for brewing a great cup!: Coffee roasting is a chemical process induced by heat, by... newbie? Our roasting basics article might be just what you need to help simplify things. This might be a good article to forward to that friend of yours that is on the fence.

Tune in on Wednesday, April 15th for another informative live stream where we will cover all things related to home coffee roasting and home brewing. Ask us anything you want! General topics? That’s up to you. We’ll answer your questions in the live chat but are looking for suggestions for topics. Message us or email your questions to [email protected] before 4/15. The video will be posted after the live stream is over so you can watch at your own convenience. You don’t need a Facebook account to watch. Wednesday, April 15th 1pm Pacific Time Facebook Live on Sweet Maria’s Facebook page. |
April 15, 2020

Our latest video is a montage of photos and footage from our last 4 years of visits to Cyato Station in RwandaA Bourbon cultivar variant from Rwanda and Burundi. Bourbon coffees are named for the island in the India Ocean where French colonists grew it. Some history from the.... Cyato is a washing stationIn Rwanda and some other East African countries, a wet mill is called a Washing Station.: In Rwanda and some other East African countries, a wet mill is... with an elevation of 1825 meters (approx. 6000 feet) in Nyamesheke region, near the Nyungwe National Forest.

The Quest M6 is a hand built, electric roaster that can roast over a pound of coffee per batch. It’s convenient, consistent and manually controlled. It’s also heavy, hot, requires cleaning and could burn a lot of coffee in the wrong hands. Read our latest article to see if this is the right (or wrong) machine for you.
We have some great coffees coming down the pipeline and are working hard to make them available on our website. In the next few days we are looking at launching a pair of Rwandas, a pair of organic Ethiopias and more! Stay tuned!
April 17, 2020

Rwanda Rulindo Tumba – Torched sugar with accents of raisin, bergamotBergamot Orange is the size of an orange, with a yellow color similar to a lemon, and has a pleasant fragrance. The juice tastes less sour than lemon,... citrus and tamarind hard candy and a smattering of baking spice notes in the finish. Spiced chocolate and dried fruit when roasted dark. Good for espresso.
Rwanda Nyamasheke Cyato – A tea-likeA term used to describe coffees with light, tannic, slighly astringent mouthfeel and tea aromatics. We find it in some Rwandan flavor profiles, among others. acidic impression marks the cup, panelaPanela is the minimally processed sugar with floral and vanilla accents: Found in Colombia (and noted to be best in Pitalito and Pedregal), Panela is tan-colored cakes of... sugar sweetness, red raisin, Earl Grey tea and mace spice in the finish. Darker roasting lays a chocolate-y groundwork along with a grape accent note. Good espresso.
Ethiopia Organic Sidama Keramo – An exquisite pour-over brew, City and City+ roasts are honey-sweet with fruited notes of fleshy peach, dried apricot, nectarine, orange and a jasmineA very positive and intensely floral quality in coffee, usually with a strong aromatic component, reminiscent of jasmine flower or tea. There are many forms of jasmine; the... note that crowns the cup.
El Salvador Apaneca Finca Miravalle – An intersection of cocoa roast flavors and brown sugar that holds up to dark roasting, layers of dark chocolate, creamyCreamy is a mouthfeel description indicating thickness and soft, rounded texture. See also buttery. nut tones and inky body. Great for milk drinks. Good espresso.
Ethiopia Organic Sidama Bombe – Aroma of fresh baked gingerbread, brown sugar and honey sweetness, nectarine, peach, moderate citrus acidity. Light roasts brew best, while Full City works for espresso. Good espresso.
Costa Rica Helsar Leo Rojas Lot 2 – A pleasant combo of unrefined sugars with subtle bittering qualities, dark chocolate at City+ and beyond, the nose accented by hints of green apple and raisin. Good espresso.
BrazilBrazil is a coffee giant . As Frank Sinatra sang, "they grow an awful lot of coffee in Brazil".: Brazil is a coffee giant . As Frank Sinatra... Dry ProcessDry process coffee is a method for taking the fruit from the tree to an exportable green bean. The whole intact coffee cherry is dried in the sun... Sítio Alto da Serra – A “classic” Brazil cup profile, bittersweetBittersweet is from the language of chocolate, and describes the co-presence of positive bittering compounds balanced by sweetness. It is directly related to caramelization, but has inputs from... and nuttyNutty is a broad flavor term, reminiscent of nuts ... but what kind exactly?: Nutty is a broad flavor term, reminiscent of nuts. It is tied intrinsically to... flavors, almond milk, Brazil nut and hazelnut, dark chocolate, baking cocoa, and a rustic, dried fruit note. Good for espresso.
Moka Kadir – Rich chocolate flavors come through in layers, with fruited notes of slab apricot and plum, and finishing notes are leatheryAromas or flavors reminiscent of leather, a very rustic quality and not necessarily a defect.: This descriptor is somewhat reminiscent of the leather, and is sometimes distinguished as..., herbalA flavor descriptor in coffee reminiscent of herbs, usually meaning aromatic, savory, leafy dried herbs. Usually, more specific descriptions are given, whether is is a floral herb, or..., fruited, and of course bittersweet. Creamy mouthfeelHow a coffee feels in the mouth or its apparent texture, a tactile sensation : A major component in the flavor profile of a coffee, it is a... and works well for milk drinks. Great espresso.

Did you miss Wednesday’s Ask Us Anything live stream? Did you watch it live and need a recap? Either way, we recorded it so you can watch it again. It was really fun chatting with everyone online so we hope to do another one soon.

ModCup in Jersey City, NJ is a great coffee company that is still selling coffee online even though they had to temporarily close their cafes. Read more about ModCup in the first of a few features we are posting about cafe’s that we think you should support.
April 22, 2020

Rwanda Honey ProcessThe honey process has nothing to do with honey other than the fact that they're both sticky! It's a term that became popularized in Costa Rica as another... Karambi – Berry sweetness that brings to mind Ethiopia naturals, traces of red raspberry, green melon, fresh date, blackstrap molasses and a wheatberry finishing note. Burundi Dry Process Kayanza Nemba – An expressive coffee, with sticky, fruited sweetness that’s potent to say the least; canned plum, brown rice syrup, mulled berries, strawberry milk powder and banana bread. Ethiopia Organic Dry Process Shakiso Hangadhi – Hangadhi has complex sweetness, flavor characteristics of brown rice syrup and chocolate malted grains, leading into notes of stout beer, orange peel, mulling spices and dark chocolate (especially in the darker roasts). Good for espresso. Guatemala Xinabajul Marca Roja – High level of sweetness (9.0!) is resilient to roast. Weighty mouthfeel helps convey a caramel flavor and milky texture, toffee and dark chocolate. Impressive balanceSuggests a harmony and proportion of qualities, and implies mildness since no one quality dominates.: Balance is both an obvious and slippery taste term. It implies a harmony... and versatility. Good espresso. |

Tune in on 4/23 at 1pm PDT for another informative Facebook Live stream where we will dive into the topic of roast levels. Get your questions ready. We’ll answer them in the live chat & are also looking for pre-submitted questions about roast levels.

Ever heard of nematodesIn coffee agriculture, nematodes as a pest affect the root of the coffee, attacking the plant. There are also beneficial types of nematodes that add to soil health.:...? How about gabahIn Sumatra, the term in Bahasa Indonesian for coffee that is barely dried after pulping and fermenting (or not), and ready to sell to a collector.: In Sumatra,...? BatianNamed after the highest peak on Mt. Kenya, Batian is resistant to coffee berry disease and coffee leaf rust, the two common fungal diseases affecting coffee in Kenya...? Check out our coffee glossary for some awesome definitions of coffee terms both familiar and unfamiliar. It’s a good chance to learn what we mean if we say a coffee is wild, wineyA taste term to describe a wine-like flavor with a similar perceived acidity and fruit, and some level of acetic acid. It is found most commonly in East... and woody.
April 24, 2020

This week’s offerings from Guatemala, Rwanda and Costa Rica are great dual purpose coffees! Great for both drip and espressoooooo!
Guatemala Chimaltenango San Martin Jilotepeque – High level of sweetness (9.0!) is resilient to roast. Weighty mouthfeel helps convey a caramel flavor and milky texture, toffee and dark chocolate. Impressive balance and versatility. Good espresso. Rwanda Nyamasheke Kanyege – A nice daily drinking coffee, bittersweet and balanced, a weft of bittering cocoa, raw sugar, tree nut, sweet cream and malted chocolate milk powder. Good for espresso. Costa Rica Tarrazu Don Mayo Cascabeles – Light roasts show nuance as they cool, a touch of honey in sweetness, lemongrass and black teas, fairly vibrant citric acidity. Full City ushers in chocolate bittersweetness. Good espresso. Sweet Maria’s Liquid Amber Espresso Blend – Cane sugarA refined sugar, that has a no rustic sweetness. This was called "refined sugar" but has been rebranded as "cane sugar" thanks perhaps to C and H brand.... and caramel sauce, hints of golden raisin, walnut and an orange twist. Full City roasts are as sweet as they are bitter. Good espresso. |

As the effects of Covid-19 continue to challenge the way cafes do business, we’ll continue to spotlight our wholesale clients so you can buy your roasted coffee from them. Our latest feature is about Java Central in Westerville, Ohio.

This week’s lineup of roasted coffee is great with two single origins and two of our espresso blends. Also check out our other roasted offerings from 2 weeks back, discounted to only $10 per pound.
April 29, 2020

Ethiopia Dry Process Suke Quto Daannisa – A powerhouse dry-process cup, intense with fruited flavors and high % cacao dark chocolate, notes of dried blueberryBlueberry flavors in coffee take different forms. Dried blueberry was something we first encountered in natural Harar coffee from Ethiopia. It seemed to be most potent in fresh..., blackberry pie, cooked sugars and aftertaste marked by nutmeg and all spice. Peru Organic Agapito Rivera – Flame grape and plum notes accent caramelized sugar sweetness, with stone fruit-like acidic highlights. Darker roasts show the chocolatey side of this coffee along with a juicy berry note. |

Rattleware’s Cupping Brewer is a perfect brewing device for anyone looking to taste test their coffee with a method similar to traditional cuppingCupping is a method of tasting coffee by steeping grounds in separate cups for discrete amounts of ground coffee, to reveal good flavors and defects to their fullest..... It also brews a great cup of unfiltered coffee and the rubber stopper stops any pesky grounds from floating into your mug.

In February, we trekked to the Guatemalan town of San Martin Jilotepeque to meet resident farmer, Chepe Garcia. He’s taken the job of organizing and collecting coffee cherryOriginally coffee literature referred to the fruit of the tree as a "berry" but in time it became a cherry. It is of course neither. Nor is the... from the region to be sold. Read more about the great coffee from San Martin in our library.
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