Green Coffee Outlook – April 2022 – for Sweet Maria’s and Coffee Shrub

Stay up to date on coffee we have coming down the pipeline and our latest green coffee outlook and arrivals schedule.

From the Cupping Table

There’s been a lot of activity at our Oakland and Seattle cupping labs this past month, with new farm samples from Central America making up a big chunk of our work. Guatemala is always a big origin for us, and we’ve managed to secure our volumes from Antigua, Chimaltenango, and Huehuetenango in about 4 weeks time. 

There are well over 200 samples behind that volume, and thankfully, Tom was able to make the trek to the source, managing all of that cupping with the help of our origin partners (check out this tour video of Finca Santa Ines if you haven’t already seen it!). One great benefit of coffee travel is having the support of a team to help roast samples and manage the massive cupping sessions. It’s a ton of work for just one person!

We’re also wrapping up selections from El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua, and are bringing back coffees from a lot of longtime producer partners such as Cafetalera Buenos Aires in Nicaragua, Corazon de Jesus in Costa Rica, Miravalle farm in El Salvador, and several others. Except for El Salvador, most of these coffees will show up on next months list, once we have contracts in place. 

The geo location of our Kenya shipping container as it round the tip of Florida, headed for Houston.
The geo location of our Kenya shipping container as it round the tip of Florida, headed for Houston.

Origin Shipping Updates

  • Kenya: I just checked the tracking status of our first Kenyan box to ship and it’s rounded the tip of Florida into the Gulf of Mexico! We are super pleased with the expedient transit time and look forward to having fresh Kenyan coffees to offer sooner than later. This mixed box of coffees from Kirinyaga, Nyeri, and Muranga regions includes many familiar cooperative names like Kamwangi, Kagumo, and Gathaithi. ETA Houston May 9.
  • Ethiopia: We’re happy to say our first Ethiopian coffees have shipped and have an ETA of mid May to New Jersey. This first box contains coffees you may know (and probably love!); a washed lot from Hambela Dabaye, and dry process lots from Hambela Wamena, and Benti Nenka. With the exception of a couple stragglers, most of the others in the “Incoming” list below are scheduled to depart from the port of Djibouti by the middle of May. The quality has been stellar all around, and consists of coffee from many stations and cooperatives we bought from in the past, as well as a few new single farmer estates from the West that we’re excited about as well.
  • Rwanda + Burundi: The wait is almost over, with both boxes arriving this week! We’ve been patiently awaiting our final Burundi and Rwanda containers and are eager to make those available as soon as possible! There will be plenty of nice washed coffees to go around, as well as a moderate selection of honey, natural, and even yeast fermentation process coffees to get your hands on too.
  • Yemen: We bought a record amount of Yemeni coffee this season, filling up an entire 20′ shipping container. These coffees were purchased through Fatoum Muslot, a Yemeni coffee exporter we’ve worked with the past 3 years, and whose bio/interview we published in our library. Being able to take on this volume of coffee opened up the opportunity to buy from regions new to us, and a broader range of cup flavors too. These coffees have already landed on the East Coast and are being railed across the US to Oakland in the next 2 weeks. We’re starting strong with Matari in a couple of weeks, and you can expect about five other regional selections to follow.

2022 Coffee Prices for us and you

With a big chunk of our 2022 buying now behind us, we have a better idea how much of an effect the higher coffee market will have on the price you pay for coffee on our website. On average, we’ve seen an 20-30% increase on the FOB price of coffee in every single origin. (FOB = Free on board, the cost of the coffee at the port of departure).

Coffee will be more expensive this year …there’s no two ways about it. That’s the reality for everyone, not just us. 

So where does the extra $.75/Lb (more or less) you’ll pay for Ethiopian coffee go? Most importantly, it goes back to the farmers so they are able to cover the higher cost of production they are faced with and remain profitable. It’s the smallholders who are hit the hardest by inflation.

It also helps us cover the increased cost of logistics services who are operating with a shortage of materials and labor at a time of record fuel prices. In short, we aren’t “raising prices”, we are simply covering costs. Our prices are mostly fixed, so none of this increase is for us. When costs return to normal, our prices will trend downward too. Our margins are also mostly fixed too, which means you’ll never pay more for coffee simply because the market is up. We never price coffees on a differential basis that fluctuates in real time with market prices. 

The reality for most of our Sweet Maria’s customers is that the price jump works out to about .02 cents more per cup of coffee. Really, just .02 cents!

Upcoming green coffees currently on the schedule to be added to our website:

Please keep in mind that the coffees on the Upcoming Coffee Outlook schedule with a location status of “In Transit” are still a bit of a wild card, and the month we have them listed under is based on the current shipping ETA, and subject to interruptions out of our control. Thanks for your patience!

April Coffee Outlook

Upcoming CoffeesBagsSizeLocation
Brazil Pulp Natural Fazenda IP7060 KGOakland
Brazil Adair Oliveira Neto2560 KGOakland
Colombia Buesaco Don Nectario1269 KGOakland
Colombia Honey Process Libardo Gómez2170 KGOakland
Congo Organic Kirumba Kavisa4060 KGOakland
Costa Rica Tarrazu Cafetales de Dota5069 KGOakland
Costa Rica Palmichal Rio Jorco1069 KGOakland
Ethiopia Dry Process Shantawene4060 KGOakland
Ethiopia Dry Process Bombe Basha5060 KGOakland
Ethiopia Sidama Bombe4060 KGOakland
Guatemala Xinabajul Pena Blanca1269 KGOakland
Guatemala Xinabajul Herlindo Villatoro2369 KGOakland
Guatemala Xinabajul San Gaspar Ixchil2469 KGOakland
Honduras El Cedral Allan Erazo1069 KGOakland
Honduras Santa Barbara Alexis Pineda1069 KGOakland
Indonesia Nusantara SWP Decaf5260 KGOakland
Nicaragua Santa Helena Maracaturra669 KGOakland
Papua New Guinea Korgua X5660 KGOakland
Peru El Diamante Roger Chilcon4569 KGOakland
Peru El Paraiso Yoner Arevalo3869 KGOakland
Sumatra Ribang Gayo2560 KGOakland
Sumatra Wet Process Barokah Bersama Coop2560 KGOakland
Yemen Mokha Matari10032 KGOakland
Espresso Workshop #49 Balayage4760 KGOakland

May Coffee Outlook (so far!)

Upcoming CoffeesBagsSizeLocation
Brazil Fazenda Alta Vista12559 KGOakland
Brazil Patrocínio Fazenda Escalada5660 KGOakland
Colombia Honey Process El Páramo1970 KGOakland
Ethiopia Uraga Raro Boda10560 KGOakland
Ethiopia Dry Process Hambela Buliye5060 KGOakland
Ethiopia Dry Process Yirga Cheffe Mengesha Farm5060 KGOakland
Guatemala Xinabajul Ader Recinos1069 KGOakland
Guatemala Cafeteros SWP Decaf5460 KGOakland
Papua New Guinea Kuta Waghi3060 KGOakland
Peru Las Pirias Ramiro Vela2369 KGOakland
Peru Bello Horizonte Andres Burga2969 KGOakland
Sumatra Dry Process Ribang Gayo1060 KGOakland
Sweet Maria's Coffee Shrub Coffee Sourcerer
Sweet Maria’s Coffee Shrub Coffee Sourcerer

Incoming coffees currently on the water: March – May

Ethiopia Incoming Coffees

Incoming CoffeesBagsSizeETA
Ethiopia Guji Hambela Dabaye10060 KG5/9 New Jersey
Ethiopia Dry Process Hambela Buliye12060 KG5/9 New Jersey
Ethiopia Dry Process Benti Nenka10060 KG5/9 New Jersey
Ethiopia Agaro Kedamai6060 KGETD 5/1
Ethiopia Organic Agaro Hunda Oli8060 KGETD 5/1
Ethiopia Organic Geta Bore Cooperative8060 KGETD 5/1
Ethiopia Yukiro Cooperative5060 KGETD 5/1
Ethiopia Organic Gera Genji Challa5060 KGETD 5/1
Ethiopia Organic Gera Nano Challa8060 KGETD 5/1
Ethiopia Organic Agaro Duromina8060 KGETD 5/1
Ethiopia Organic Dry Process Beshasha Birbisa16060 KGETD 5/1
Ethiopia Organic Dry Process Burka Gudina20060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Guji Buku Sayisa5060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Yirgacheffee Banko Gotiti7060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Sidama Arsi Refisa10060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Yirgacheffee Chelbesa10060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Dry Process Yirga Cheffe Gedeb16060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Dry Process Yirga Cheffe Idido16060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Kayon Mountain Taaroo16060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Dry Process Hambela Benti Nenka16060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Limu Ayetu Gera Farm14060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Dry Process Guji Gerba10060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Dry Process Buno Dambi Uddo12060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Dry Process Abiyot Bobea10060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Gera Ayetu14060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Kecho Anderecha13060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Dry Process Mansur Aba Hikam5060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Dry Process Mahamed Aba Nura5060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Dry Process Aba Mecha2060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Dry Process Aba Bulgu7060 KGTBD

Kenya Incoming Coffees

Incoming CoffeesBagsSizeETA
Kenya Nyeri Kagumo AB4260 KGApril 9 Houston
Kenya Kirinyaga Kamwangi Peaberry2560 KGApril 9 Houston
Kenya Kirinyaga Kamwangi AB6060 KGApril 9 Houston
Kenya Muranga Riakiberu Peaberry1660 KGApril 9 Houston
Kenya Muranga Kagumoini AB4060 KGApril 9 Houston
Kenya Kirinyaga Kainamui Peaberry3160 KGApril 9 Houston
Kenya Nyeri Kagumo AA1760 KGApril 9 Houston
Kenya Kirinyaga Thunguri Peaberry960 KGApril 9 Houston
Kenya Thika Karatu Peaberry660 KGApril 9 Houston
Kenya Kiambu Ndumberi Peaberry2560 KGApril 9 Houston
Kenya Nyeri Gathaithi AA4860 KGApril 9 Houston
Kenya Nyeri Kamoini AB5360 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Kamoini Peaberry1260 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Kagunyu AA560 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Kagunyu AB1360 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Ichamama AA5060 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Ichamama PB2160 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Gichichi AA460 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Gichichi AB1160 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Gaikundo AA1460 KGTBD
Kenya Kirinyaga Thunguri AB1460 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Rukira AB2060 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Maganjo AA960 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Mahiga AA1960 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Mahiga PB760 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Gatugi AA5060 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Gatugi AB7060 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Gatugi PB2660 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Kiaguthu AA2760 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Kiaguthu PB1060 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Kamoini AA3460 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Kagumo Peaberry2760 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Gatomboya Peaberry1660 KGTBD
Kenya Kirinyaga Kamwangi Peaberry3360 KGTBD
Kenya Kiambu Ngaita Peaberry1660 KGTBD
Kenya Kiambu Riabai AB1460 KGTBD
Kenya Thika Oreti AA1260 KGTBD
Kenya Thika Oreti AB1960 KGTBD
Kenya Thika Oreti Peaberry160 KGTBD
Kenya Kirinyaga Wanja AA1460 KGTBD
Kenya Muranga Nguku AB4560 KGTBD
Kenya Muranga Nguku Peaberry460 KGTBD
Kenya Kiambu Fram Farm AA1860 KGTBD
Kenya Kiambu Fram Farm AB6660 KGTBD
Kenya Kiambu Fram Farm Peaberry460 KGTBD

Africa / Arabia Incoming Coffees

Incoming CoffeesBagsSizeETA
Burundi Yeast Fermentation Yandaro2060 KG4/10
Burundi Kabarore Commune Yandaro7060 KG4/10
Burundi Kayanza Gahahe6560 KG4/10
Burundi Gatare Masha4560 KG4/10
Burundi Dry Process Kibingo Station6060 KG4/10
Burundi Gaterama Agahore Station2860 KG4/10
Burundi Dry Process Agahore2660 KG4/10
Rwanda Rubavu Rwinyoni6060 KG4/15
Rwanda Rusizi Gaseke2560 KG4/15
Rwanda Nyamasheke Nyakabingo2560 KG4/15
Rwanda Ngororero2560 KG4/15
Rwanda Nyamasheke Macuba4560 KG4/15
Rwanda Dry Process Kanyege2560 KG4/15
Rwanda Honey Process Kanyege3060 KG4/15
Rwanda Dry Process Macuba4060 KG4/15
Rwanda Dry Process Nyamiyaga2060 KG4/15
Rwanda Honey Process Karambi3060 KG4/15
Yemen Khulani Amer15032 KG4/15
Yemen Mokha Matari15032 KG4/15
Yemen Al Qafr Hawari5032 KG4/15
Yemen Bani Haraz10032 KG4/15
Yemen Al-Haimah5032 KG4/15
Yemen Mokha Hajjah10032 KG4/15

South America Incoming Coffees

Incoming CoffeesBagsSizeETA
Colombia Pavón Finca Los Palomos1270 KG4/10
Colombia Inzá Anibal Pillimue270 KG4/10
Colombia Urrao Heirloom Caturra670 KG4/10
Colombia Inzá Robinson Pillimué1270 KG4/10
Colombia Urrao John Alexander1370 KG4/10
Colombia Cajamarca Neftali Castro1570 KG4/10
Colombia Inzá Rafael Rivas2870 KG4/10
Colombia Cresta El Hato1570 KG4/10
Colombia Vereda Guanacas2670 KG4/10
Colombia Vereda San Antonio2370 KG4/10
Colombia Honey Process Aponte970 KG4/10
Colombia Rio Chiquito Don Luis2270 KG4/10
Colombia Veradas Vecinas7970 KG4/10

Central America Incoming Coffees

Incoming CoffeesBagsSizeETA
Mexico Coatepec Community1069 KG4/10
Costa Rica La Pradera7569 KG4/10
Costa Rica Cafetales de Dota Lot 27569 KG4/10
Costa Rica Cafetales de Dota Lot 35069 KG4/10
El Salvador Finca La Esperanza7569 KGTBD
El Salvador Miravalle Centroamericaono6169 KGTBD
El Salvador Finca Miravalle Tabi4169 KGTBD
El Salvador Apaneca Finca Miravalle4869 KGTBD
El Salvador Miravalle Sampacho5469 KGTBD
El Salvador Dry Process Finca San Luis669 KGTBD

Indonesia & SE Asia Incoming Coffees

Incoming CoffeesBagsSizeETA
Sulawesi Enrekang Rodo Rodo1760 KG4/1
Sulawesi Wet Hulled Latimojong4060 KG4/1
Sulawesi Panaikang Village Pak Sulaiman860 KG4/1
Sulawesi Desa Topidi860 KG4/1
Sulawesi Honey Process Gowa560 KG4/1
Sulawesi Dry Process Topidi1160 KG4/1
Java Wet Hulled Siki Alit3060 KG4/1
Java Wet Hulled Waspada4060 KG4/1
Flores Wawo Muda1860 KG4/1
Flores Gunung Waja Mala1860 KG4/1
Flores Wolo Wio3860 KG4/1
Flores Dry Process Bei Poso Village760 KG4/1
Java Wet Hulled Waspada5060 KG4/1
Java Dry Process Kuningan Robusta3060 KG4/1
Timor Leste Dukurai Daurfusu2560 KG4/15
Timor Leste Dukurai Daurfusu3060 KG4/15
Timor Leste Dukurai Daurfusu1060 KG4/15
Timor Leste Honey Process Daurfusu5560 KG4/15
Timor Leste Dry Process Daurfusu5560 KG4/15
Timor Leste Dry Process Lulirema1860 KG4/15
Timor Leste Dry Process Taurema1860 KG4/15
Timor Leste Basargeon Washed1660 KG4/15
Timor Leste Hatletegeo Washed1560 KG4/15
Timor Leste Lekisala4060 KG4/15
Sumatra Kerinci Barokah Bersama5060 KGTBD
Sumatra Wet Process Barokah Coop3060 KGTBD
Sumatra Honey Process Barokah Coop3060 KGTBD
Sumatra Honey Labu Barokah Bersama3060 KGTBD
Sumatra Dry Process Barokah Coop2060 KGTBD
Papua New Guinea Korgua Peaberry2660 KGTBD

7 Responses

  1. Glad to see the Yemen offerings. But no mention of my all-time favorite, Ismaili. You have not offered any Ismaili in several years. What is the outlook for this wonderful variety? Which of the ones you are getting is most like Ismaili? Thanks.

    1. The current source we work with doesn’t have any connections in Ismaili so that’s why you don’t see it. But generally speaking, Yes – it’s been tricky with Ismaili. There is very little coffee actually grown there… well to put it better, there has been a lot of coffee called “Ismaili” but not traceable. So we weren’t really sure it was Ismaili ! Would rather not sell it by name if we can’t verify it.

  2. Hello!

    Your previous Green Coffee Outlooks postings included incoming beans from Tanzania, but I don’t see Tanzania listed anywhere now. Are they no longer available, or do I have some reason to hope? My brother-in-law is from there and visiting us this summer. I was hoping to serve him some of my roasted Tanzanian while he’s here.

    Thank you,

    1. Hmmm … I will look into that Mark. We had contracted some lots based on samples cupped. Things have been moving very slowly so it’s possible the container arrival was pushed back and dropped off the list

  3. Received El Salvador Miravalle Sampacho in a subscription box and am looking for some more. Any chance you’ll be getting more of this?

    1. Hi Alison, yes, we have a fresh lot on the way in October. It’s a ways off, but worth the wait if you liked the previous lot! We also have two other very nice varietal separations (Tabi and Bourbon) from this farm right now that can be ordered HERE.

      Hope this helps!

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