Our monthly digest from the Sweet Maria’s Email list, announcing new coffees, new content and new events!
October 2020 offerings are all listed here, for your reference. If you want to read about our arriving coffee, events, product and news, sign up for our emailer.
October 2, 2020

Today’s additions to our green coffeeGreen coffee refers to the processed seed of the coffee tree fruit. Coffee is a flowering shrub that produces fruit. The seeds of the fruit are processed, roasted,... list bring great varietyA botanical variety is a rank in the taxonomic hierarchy below the rank of species and subspecies and above the rank of form (form / variety / subspecies.... No matter what your tastes are, there’s coffees here that you will want in your stash. Interested in tasting how much processingThe removal of the cherry and parchment from the coffee seed.: Coffee is either wet-processed (also called washed or wet-milled) or dry-processed (also called wild, natural or natural... plays a role in flavor? Check out our new SumatraIndonesians are available as a unique wet-hulled or dry-hulled (washed) coffees. Giling Basah is the name for the wet-hulling process in Bahasa language, and will have more body... set that includes Sumatran coffees processed with wet hulled, wet, dry and hybrid methods. |
BurundiBurundi coffee bears resemblance to neighboring Rwanda, in both cup character, but also the culture surrounding coffee. Burundi is a small landlocked country at the crossroads of East... Gatare Masha – Sweet across a wide range of roasts, sugar in the raw, burned sugar, a distinct honey-floral note, cinnamon powder, essence of stone fruit and pear, delicate honeysuckle aromaAroma refers to sensations perceived by the olfactory bulb and conveyed to the brain; whether through the nose or "retro-nasally": The aromatics of a coffee greatly influence its.... Good for espressoA small coffee beverage, about 20 ml, prepared on an espresso machine where pressurized hot water extracted through compressed coffee.: In its most stripped-down, basic form, this is.... El SalvadorEl Salvador coffee had an undeservingly poor reputation for years, marred mostly by the inability to deliver coffee of high quality in an unstable political climate. Unfortunately, agriculture... Nejapa FincaSpanish 101: Finca is the Spanish word for farm. Sometimes the term Hacienda is used to imply an Estate, which would mean the farm has its own wet-mill.... El Cipres – Dense mouthfeelHow a coffee feels in the mouth or its apparent texture, a tactile sensation : A major component in the flavor profile of a coffee, it is a... underscores flavors of Hershey’s syrup, semi-sweet chocolateA general flavor or aroma term reminiscent of chocolate. But what type? Usually described with more specifics.: Chocolate is a broad, general flavor or aroma term reminiscent of..., carob and bittering baking cocoa finishSimilar to aftertaste, but it refers to the impression as the coffee leaves the palate. Aftertaste is the sensations gathered after the coffee has left the mouth. We.... Mild apple-like acidityAcidity is a positive flavor attribute in coffee, also referred to as brightness or liveliness. It adds a brilliance to the cup, whereas low acid coffees can seem... and roasted nut accents.Good for espresso. KenyaKenya is the East African powerhouse of the coffee world. Both in the cup, and the way they run their trade, everything is topnotch.: Kenya is the East... Nyeri Gatugi AA – FruitedIn some coffee taster’s lexicon, “fruity” means the coffee is tainted with fruit, and “fruited” means a coffee is graced by positive fruit notes. We don't exactly see... flavors are hard to miss, raspberry tea, pomegranate, ripe berry, pulpyCan refer to fruited flavor or sometimes mouthfeel. In terms of flavor, which is how we normally use it, pulpy fruit, it tends toward the rustic side of... orangeOrange aromatics and flavors are prized in coffee, whether they take the form of sweet orange flesh and pulp, or orange peel. Orange flavors or aromatics can range... juice and a hint of vanillaVanilla notes in coffee are often related to caramelization notes, as butter and vanilla can be found in flavors and aromatics of roast reactions from reducing of sugars. extract. Bright acidity and wine-like fruityIn some coffee taster’s lexicon, “fruity” means the coffee is tainted with fruit, and “fruited” means a coffee is graced by positive fruit notes. We don't exactly see... accent notes. NicaraguaNicaraguan coffees from the Segovia, Jinotega, Ocotal and Matagalpa regions are nice balanced cups. They often possess interesting cup character along with body and balance, outperforming many other... Dipilto Finca La Laguna – City+City+ roast is an ideal roast level that occurs roughly between 425 and 435 degrees Fahrenheit in many coffee roasters with a responsive bean probe where First Crack... roasts produce brown sugarBrown sugar is a type of sweetness found in coffee ...a sweetness characterized by a hint of molasses, yet quite refined as well. Since Brown sugar of the... and bittersweetBittersweet is from the language of chocolate, and describes the co-presence of positive bittering compounds balanced by sweetness. It is directly related to caramelization, but has inputs from... cocoa, a mild acidic impression, BrazilBrazil is a coffee giant . As Frank Sinatra sang, "they grow an awful lot of coffee in Brazil".: Brazil is a coffee giant . As Frank Sinatra... nut and walnut finishing notes. Chocolate roast tones are easily developed with dark roasting. Good for espresso. Sumatra Multi-Process Sample Set – Taste the affects processing has on flavor profileFlavor Profile implies a graphical impression of a particular coffee, whether it be an artistic portrait or data graph of the perception of flavor compounds. In the case... with this four-pack of different process types from a single group of coffee growers. This cross-section of unique coffees from the Gunung Tujuh cooperative includes their Grade 1 wet-hulled (on sale at the moment too!), a wet-process fully washed coffee, the hybrid honeyIn coffee, honey-like sweetness is often found, but we use terms such as refined honey (highly filtered and processed) as opposed to raw honey rustic honey sweetness. This.../wet-hulled coffee and a fruity, dry processDry process coffee is a method for taking the fruit from the tree to an exportable green bean. The whole intact coffee cherry is dried in the sun... coffee. |
October 7, 2020

Costa RicaCosta Rican coffee is typically very clean, sweet, with lots of floral accents. hey are prized for their high notes: bright citrus or berry-like flavors in the acidity,... Helsar Finca Rola – SweetnessSweetness is an important positive quality in fine coffees, and is one of five basic tastes: Sour, Sweet, Salty, Bitter, Savory (Umami). In coffee, sweetness is a highly... and brew-versatility in middle and dark roasts, vanilla caramelCaramel is a desirable form of sweetness found in the flavor and aroma of coffee, and is an extension of roast taste. Extremely light or dark coffees will... and walnut, coffee candy, nuanced cocoa flavors like tootsie roll, torte and smoked chocolate. Good for espresso.
Costa Rica Helsar Cascara Fruit Tea – It’s tea, made from coffee, and you can eat it! Yes, these dehydrated coffee cherries are crispy, tart and sweet. No roasting necessary, just steep a fruited tea, try as sun tea, or use as a snack in place of dried fruit. Flavors of hibiscus, tamarind, passion fruit, appleAn acid that adds to favorable perceptions of cup quality; malic acid often adds apple-like acidity, and perhaps other taste aspects recalling apples. Malic acid is yet another..., raisin. With or without sweetener, this one’s great.
GuatemalaGuatemalan coffee is considered a top quality coffee producer in Central America. Due to our proximity to Guatemala, some of the nicest coffees from this origin come to... Patzun Finca Las Camelias – Brown sugar, cane juice sweetness and bittering coffee character are at the center, surrounded by fruited accent notes like raisin and blackberryBlackberry flavor in coffee sometimes relates to slightly more developed roast levels.: Blackberry is found as a fragrance, aroma or flavor in some coffees. I find that it... that flourish, with a wine-like aroma as it cools.

Check out a “sciency” new post in our library and take a very close look at the coffee fruit. Tom put together images from some great macro photos and really unwrapped what makes up a coffee bean.
October 9, 2020

EthiopiaEthiopia, formerly known as Abyssinia, or a coffee cultivar: Ethiopia, or more specifically the Empire under Haile Selassie, was known as Abyssinia. The name is Latin, derived from... OrganicGrown without the use of artificial fertilizers, herbicides, etc.: Organic coffee has been grown according to organic farming techniques, typically without the use of artificial fertilizers. Some farms... Dry Process Shakiso Bookkisa – There’s a lot going in the cup, a profile heavily weighted in fruit flavors, raspberry and blueberryBlueberry flavors in coffee take different forms. Dried blueberry was something we first encountered in natural Harar coffee from Ethiopia. It seemed to be most potent in fresh... preserves, tropical fruit salad, nectarine, mango, a hint of green melon, with a delicate orange blossom floralFloral notes in coffee exemplify the connection between taste and smell. Describing the taste of a specific flower is near impossible...we always default to “it tastes like it... note. Guatemala Xinabajul Mejor de Libertad – Rounded sweetness, appleApple-like flavors in coffee can take on many different forms. The more common ones we use relate to malic acid brightness, which can recall different apple types: green... acidity, “dessert”-like notes of pecan pie, caramel flan and caramel-covered apple. Dark roasts have a dash of dried fruit and clenching bittersweetness. Good for espresso. Sumatra AcehThe northernmost district in SumatraL Aceh District is north of North Sumatra and produces some very classic Sumatra coffees. The center of coffee in Aceh is Lake Tawar... Tengah Bies – At City+ herbaceous and earthyEarthy is a flavor term with some ambivalence, used positively in some cases, negatively in others.: Sumatra coffees can have a positive earthy flavor, sometimes described as "wet..., complexThe co-presence of many aroma and flavor attributes, with multiple layers. A general impression of a coffee, similar to judgments such as "balanced" or "structured" roast tones, resiny palm sugar, fresh basil, and aromatics of pine and sandalwood. Full City+ quiets much of this and is so chocolatey. Good for espresso. Kenya Kiambu Fram Farm AA – Very complex when roasted light to medium roast levels, orange juice, lemonLemon notes, as well as other related citrusy flavors or acidities, are prized in coffee. These usually express themselves as a bright accent in the cup, or aromatic... rind, bright acidity, stone fruit, cardamom, whole clove, spiced tea cookie, anchored by an abundance of sweetness in the brew. |

Wet processing is the most common way coffee goes from fruit to dried seed ready for shipment and is associated with cleaner and brighter coffees. Take a deep dive into wet coffee processing’s history and all it’s stages in our library.
October 13, 2020

Guatemala Acatenango GeshaGesha is a long-bean Ethiopia selection with unique cup character. Gesha is the name of the town in Western Ethiopia where the original samples were collected. Spelling it... Lot 4 – Impressive bodyAssociated with and sensed by mouthfeel, body is sense of weight and thickness of the brew, caused by the percentage of soluble solids in the cup, including all... and sweetness, perfumed floral aroma. Cup flavors hint at red apple, simple syrup, corn silk tea, lime, and grape. Potent floral notes of jasmineA very positive and intensely floral quality in coffee, usually with a strong aromatic component, reminiscent of jasmine flower or tea. There are many forms of jasmine; the... and tuberose. Good for espresso.
TimorTimor-Leste (East Timor) is a tiny island between Australia and Sulawesi, annexed by Indonesia and liberated in a referendum several years ago. Small scale coffee farming was jump-started... Leste Organic Letefoho – A wine-like apple flavor that I find delicious atop an underlay of unrefined sugars, a walnut note and mild herbalA flavor descriptor in coffee reminiscent of herbs, usually meaning aromatic, savory, leafy dried herbs. Usually, more specific descriptions are given, whether is is a floral herb, or... accents. Light roasts are vibrant and 2nd crackAn audible popping sound heard during roasting. In coffee, one refers to "first crack" and "second crack," which come from two different classes of chemical reactions.: An audible... roasts develop intense bittersweetness.
Burundi Kayanza Gakenke – Gakenke hits familiar Burundi flavor territory, brown sugar, Earl Grey with that bergamotBergamot Orange is the size of an orange, with a yellow color similar to a lemon, and has a pleasant fragrance. The juice tastes less sour than lemon,... oil aroma, lemon juice, aniseAnise seed is highly aromatic and has a flavor similar to fennel and licorice, used to flavor various foods and liquors: Anise is a flowering plant in the.... Capable of producing rich chocolate with roast development. Good for espresso.
Kenya Kiambu Mandela EstateA "coffee estate" is used to imply a farm that has its own processing facility, a wet-mill. In Spanish this is called an Hacienda. A Finca (farm) does... AA – Mandela Farm AA evokes jam-like smells with citrus highlights, and cup flavors like raw sugar, nectarine, orange peel, pomegranate, Earl Grey and Sencha tea are structuredStructure is an esoteric term, characterizing the relation between flavors, acids, mouthfeel and aftertaste as well-defined and comprehensive.: Like Balance, structure is an esoteric term. After all, you... by bracing, citric acidity.

- Remember that video we posted a few weeks back? The one with 5 minute answers to coffee questions? Well if you wanted just the audio, here it is in podcast form.
- We have been getting up close and personal with green coffee on our Instagram lately. Check it out for some great macro shots.

October 16, 2020

Sumatra Wet ProcessWet-processing starts by removing the outer skin of the coffee cherry with a machine called a pulper, then fermenting the remaining fruit (with green bean inside) in water... Pantan Musara – A sweet and clean Sumatra, raw sugar and vanilla, honey aroma, root beer, pine, herbal hints. Dark roasts are very different, chocolate bittersweetness prevails. Good for espresso.
Kenya Kiambu Evans Farm AA – Lighter roasts unlock a bittersweet undertone that enhances a citric, and fruit-accented, cup profile. Tart citrus juice, lemon grass tea, cardamom, grape accent and a creamyCreamy is a mouthfeel description indicating thickness and soft, rounded texture. See also buttery. hazelnut note.
Costa Rica Helsar Macho Arce – Demurara sweetness, balanced core coffee flavors are accented by a twist of orange, apple, walnut and hints of both herbal and black teas. We enjoyed dark and light roasts. Good for espresso.

Oven Roasting Is Not Cancelled: It’s been years since we updated our information about oven or toaster roasting because honestly it has many drawbacks. Buying a new ConvectionTransfer of heat through the bulk movement of a fluid. In the case of coffee roasting, we discuss convection in the context of heated air moving as a... Toaster Oven (Air Fryer) made Tom revisit the process, since the high flow of convective air roasts coffee quite well. He discovered using a drum/rotisserie had the worst results in cuppingCupping is a method of tasting coffee by steeping grounds in separate cups for discrete amounts of ground coffee, to reveal good flavors and defects to their fullest...., but roasting on the air fry tray worked really well.

- Cascara…it’s the dried fruit from a coffee seed so it’s technically coffee, but you generally steep it in hot water, so it’s also tea, but wait, you can eat it too, so it’s food as well. Whatever you call it, cold or hot, it’s tasty and refreshing. Try some.
- If you have been patiently waiting and thinking about buying one, BehmorA popular electric drum roaster designed for home use, with variable batch sizes (from 1/4 pound to 1 pound) and a smoke-reduction system. It has been modified and... roasters are back in stock! Check out the features and pros & cons. It could be the right roaster for you if you want 1lb batches, have enough space for it and don’t mind getting used to the controls.
- We are working on another Sweet Maria’s staff picks feature with all dry processed coffees. Keep an eye out next week.
October 23, 2020

El Salvador Ataco Finca Ganuza – Bittersweet and balanced, milk chocolate, cocoa powder, brown sugar, sweet cream and roasted almond in the aftertasteAftertaste refers to lingering residual sensations in the mouth after coffee has swallowed. It might be distinguished from "finish" which is the final sensations of the coffee while.... A prime choice for milk drinks. Good for espresso. Guatemala Antigua Finca Buena Vista – Classic-toned espresso and crowd pleasing coffee, flavors of bittering chocolate, butteryA mouthfeel description indicating thickness and creaminess, and can also be a flavor description.: Buttery is primarily a mouthfeel description indicating thickness and creaminess. It indicates a high... caramel, toffee, lemon balm accent and a moderate acidity level. Good for espresso. Kenya Othaya Mahiga PeaberryA peaberry is a green coffee "bean" that has a rounded form: Coffee is the dried seed from the fruit of a flowering tree - each fruit having... – A sweet-tart note of berry lemonade, transparent sweetness, rock candy, fruit syrups, and accents of blueberry and strawberry. Darker roasts have a berry/smoked chocolate note. |

The Prismo is an awesome AeropressA portable coffee brewer that makes a unique dense brew, somewhat similar to an Americano.: The Aeropress looks like a giant syringe: coffee grounds are in the bottom,... attachment. Tom’s been using it and shared his notes, including why you shouldn’t use it with the inverted technique. The new Nesco roaster is a great machine for those looking for a simple, clean way to turn green coffee into brown coffee. Watch the second episode of our 5 Minute Answers video series. Hey Bullet users, Aillio is getting ready to launch RoasTime 3 and an updated Roast.World. We have all the details in our library. We are looking forward to the holidays but are bummed that our retail space will need to remain closed so we decided to post the first in a series of videos giving you updates about holiday sales, shipping times, etc. Roasting coffee in your air fryer’s rotating drum has pros and cons…mainly cons. Tom did it so you don’t have to. |
October 26, 2020

Ethiopia Organic Dry Process Kebele Birbissa – Fruit reductions, dried peach and strawberry, rhubarb pie filling, cranberry juice, a hint of orange points to citric acidity, and a subtle floral aroma. A fairly clean cupClean cup refers to a coffee free of taints and defects. It does not imply sanitary cleanliness, or that coffees that are not clean (which are dirty) are... for dry process coffee.
ColombiaColombian coffee is highly marketed and widely available in the US. They have been largely successful at equating the name Colombian Coffee with "Good" Coffee. This is half-true.... Pavón Finca Los Palomos – Intense with complex raw sugar sweetness, viscous in texture and presents notes of stewed plum, black tea with a bracing lemon note, pancake syrup and bittering citrus peel in the aftertaste.
Colombia Urrao Valle del Penderisco – Molasses, demurara sugar, moderate brightnessA euphemistic term we use often to describe acidity in coffee. A bright coffee has more high, acidic notes. : A euphemistic term to describe acidity in coffee...., accents of berry and hibiscus flower tea. Dark roasts boast heavy-handed cocoa roast flavors and plum. Good for espresso.
Colombia Tolima Productores de Ibagué – Unrefined sugar sweetness is central to the cup, accented by top notes of oatmeal cookie, molasses, dried date and cola nut, with plum-like acidity.

Meet Patrick. He works in our warehouse and makes sure our coffee and merchandise goes to where it needs to go. Like many of the staff at Sweet Maria’s, Patrick loves great coffee and has an interesting background story that brought him to his current position with us. Learn more about Patrick and the coffees he chose for this round of Sweet Maria’s Staff picks.

As you may have heard, we recently started selling the new Nesco roaster. It works similar to an electric popcorn popper roaster but moves the beans a lot slower. We just added short video to the Nesco page to demonstrate this difference.
October 30, 2020

PanamaPanama coffee ranges from medium quality lower altitude farms to those at 1600 - 1800 meters centered in the area of Boquete in the Chirqui district near the... Anaerobic FermentationA line of sealed plastic yellow barrels for anaerobic fermentation at Punta del Cerro mill in Huehuetenango. Anaerobic simply means "without air", which makes this term that describes... Volcan Baru – Full City roasts manage to pull out an impressive level of toffee sweetness, dried green apple and walnut top notes, fruited acidity and bittersweet finish. Good for espresso.
Colombia Ibagué Rio Combeima – Delicious in the light to middle roasts, panelaPanela is the minimally processed sugar with floral and vanilla accents: Found in Colombia (and noted to be best in Pitalito and Pedregal), Panela is tan-colored cakes of... and molasses sweetness, wineyA taste term to describe a wine-like flavor with a similar perceived acidity and fruit, and some level of acetic acid. It is found most commonly in East... apple and plum hints, a cinnamon note, tannicHaving the bitterness or astringency of Tannins. Tannins are plant polyphenols found across the flora kingdom. The term Tannins refers to the use of wood tannins from oak... black tea and cranberry-like acidic impression.
Costa Rica Don Oscar Limones – Bittersweet flavor characteristics respond readily to roast development, honey graham and moderate acidity in lighter roasts, reverberant bass notes and carbonized sugars when taken darker.
Guatemala Antigua La Parcela Melanie – Moderate sweetness, honey comb and raw sugar, Sencha tea and black currant hints, and bracing acidity. Full City roasts produce a flavor of berry-laced chocolate.
Guatemala Paraíso La Colibri – A uniquely fruited cup that has characteristics of honey processThe honey process has nothing to do with honey other than the fact that they're both sticky! It's a term that became popularized in Costa Rica as another.... Pulpy fruit and green grape flavors come into view, along with a baking spice aroma, once raw sugar and clean nut tones fall away.
Kenya Kiambu Mandela Farm AB – A vibrant Kenya at City+ roast level, citric acidity ties together notes of unrefined sugar, baked goods like peach scone, hints of citrus zest and sweet herbals. Good Kenyan espresso.
Sumatra Honey Process Kerinci Seblat – Layered sweetness like demurara, rice syrup, and honey, accented by dried stone fruit and golden raisin, and herbal aroma of sweet basil and pineapple sageA flavor hint of sage found in coffee, either leafy sage, dried sage, or sage flower. This could indicate a more rustic cup quality, or even defect flavor.... Good for espresso.
Sweet Maria’s Polar Expresso Holiday Blend – Roll out the holiday cheer with our limited edition Polar Expresso blend! VelvetyA mouthfeel description indicating elegant softness, refined smoothness: A mouthfeel description indicating elegant softness, refined smoothness. See Silky as well. shots extract complex layers of dark chocolate truffles, ganache dessert, and bittering roasted cacao nibs, accented by sweetened cranberry juice, citrus peel, spiced aromatics and tart, lemon acidity. Fantastic espresso.

Every once in a while, Sweet Maria’s customer, Larry Cotton hits us up with a video of his latest coffee roastingThe application of heat to green coffee seeds (beans) to create palatable material for brewing a great cup!: Coffee roasting is a chemical process induced by heat, by... creation. Every time, we are impressed with Mr. Cotton’s ingenuity and creativity. His latest roaster is an updated version of his Wobble Disk machine.
2 Responses
What are your best beans for Breville barista touch . I do mostly lattes
I recommend checking out some of our custom blends for espresso. In particular, the Atiplano blend is really nice right now, and Espresso Monkey or New Classic are always winners!