Sweet Maria’s Emailer Roundup – April, 2021

Our monthly digest from the Sweet Maria’s Email list, announcing new coffees, new content and new events!

April 2021 offerings are all listed here for your reference. If you want to receive emails about our arriving coffee, events, product and news, sign up for our emailer.

April 2, 2021

Latest Arrivals - 4/2/21
Latest Arrivals – 4/2/21
Timor Leste Goulala Village – Goulala has a well-balanced flavor profile, sugar in the raw sweetness, moderate bittering bass notes, pistachio, almond meal, chocolatey dark roasts, and a mild acidic impression. Good for espresso.

Sulalwesi Toraja Pulu Pulu – A stand-out Sulawesi coffee, refined sweetness and brilliant acidity, aromatic clover honey, clean and bright hints of mandarin orange and citrus pith, and a sweet finish.

Brazil Dry Process Sitio Senhor Bom Jesus – There’s so much flavor packed into the medium roasts, fruited chocolate, nutty sweetness, carob, creamy cocoa butter, peanut toffee and sesame sweets. Good for espresso.

Burundi Kazoza N’Ikawa Coop Lot 2 – Such a sweet coffee across the recommended roast spectrum, sugar cane juice, a sachet of clove powder and all spice, black currant tea, and an aromatic note of orange on the nose.

Brazil Dry Process Pedra Branca – Robust cocoa roast flavors are matched by unrefined, molasses-like sweetness, palm sugar, freeze dried fruit accents, and rum candy in the aroma. Good for espresso.

Burundi Dry Process Kibingo – Cooked fruit and wheat flavors that bring to mind raspberry pie, hints of barley malt syrup and dried prune. Soft acidity and bittersweet at Full City, a note of dark cacao bar with crisped rice.

Sifter roaster

Sweet Maria’s customer, David Almond cooked up this minimal and functional kitchen coffee roaster. Sure, chaff and smoke are free to roam but it’s pretty awesome considering you can probably build one for a few bucks in under an hour. This is actually an upgrade from David’s original invention that roasted half the amount. Check out our blog post and video to see how this machine was born.

Sifter Roaster
Liquid Amber

We added a limited supply of Liquid Amber to the list today but it’s not a lot so we apologize if it’s sold out by the time you read this. We care a lot about he quality of coffee that goes into this blend and have located a very high-quality Indian monsooned coffee (one of Liquid Amber’s ingredients). We should have it and a healthier stock of Liquid Amber around early Summer.

April 7, 2021

April 7, 2021 - Latest Arrivals
April 7, 2021 – Latest Arrivals
Timor Leste Dry Process Kailitlau – Bold dry process character, berry aromatic hints with palm sugar sweetener underneath, opens up to freeze dried mango, natural dried apricot, and date.

Peru Huabal Ancelmo Guevara – Toasted sugars, accents of apple, walnut, and brown butter, acidity signals tartaric-type fruits. Dark roasts are well-balanced by bittering bass notes and subtle fruited sweetness.

East Africa Sample Set – High caliber coffees in their own right, the East Africa Sample Set emphasizes flavor diversity found in the coffees from the neighboring countries of Burundi and Rwanda.

April Outlook

Want to know what coffees are scheduled to land on our offerings page this month? Check out the April edition of our Green Coffee Outlook. You should take a look if you have been curious about Liquid Amber, Africas and Guatemalas.


Our current offerings from Flores are balanced and mellow with nice chocolate and spice notes. Check them out along with our article about Flores and it’s coffee.

Flores Photo

March 10, 2021

Latest Arrivals
Rwanda Ngororero – Versatile, light roasts bring out raw sugar, honey aroma and lemon oil, whereas Full City ties together chocolate bittersweets, graham cracker, and anise accent. Good for espresso.

Costa Rica Dota El Conquistador – Crowd pleasing, trades brightness for body, with chocolate roast flavors, cocoa biscuit, bittering cacao, campfire marshmallow, and toasted almond. Good for espresso.

bags in stock

We just started carrying Ecotact zip-seal green coffee stand-up storage pouches. They are a great hiding place for your coffee before it’s time to pour it into your roaster. Nine high barrier layers help prevent shifts in moisture levels and will preserve the cup quality of your unroasted coffee, Available in 1KG, 2KG and 5KG sizes.

ecotact bags

wobble roaster

Home coffee roaster and Sweet Maria’s customer, Larry Cotton is at it again with another awesome DIY roasting machine. The difference between this and his past creations is this one is all-in-one, meaning the heating element (heat gun) is built in. Larry says that it does produce some smoke and since there’s no chaff collection, it’s designated as an outdoor roaster.

wobble roaster

March 12, 2021

latest arrivals
latest arrivals – 3/12/21

Ethiopia Organic Yirga Cheffe Chelbesa Danche – Classic Yirga Cheffee flavors, rue herbal accents play off perfumed floral notes, complex sweetness, incense hint, rindy citrus note that has a grabby aspect, surprisingly resilient to Full City roasting. Good for espresso.

Rwanda Yellow Honey Kanyege – Spiced fragrance, aromatic maple, candy corn Halloween candies, with vivid an acidic impression underscored by hints of tart green apple and iced black tea.

Sulawesi Honey Process Tana Luwu – Tana Luwu has plump, juicy body, unrefined sugar sweetness, notes of dried fruit, lime acidic impression, jamaica tea, and sweet herbal notes accenting the finish.  Good for espresso.

Kenya Kiambu Evans Farm Peaberry – The cup is aromatic, sweet, and undoubtedly complex. Packed with unrefined sugar sweetness, cinnamon stick, orange spiced herbal tea, fragrant citrus oil, and an oak barrel hint.

Guatemala Proyecto Xinabajul Paraiso – Dark roasts stick well within a palette of chocolate flavors, pleasantly bittering chocolate alkaloids, unrefined sweetness of caramelized sugars, hints of flan and chocolate stout. Good for espresso.

Sumatra Wet Process Pantan Musara – I found myself comparing this coffee to a wet process Sulawesi. Sweet cup, raw cane sugar, dark corn syrup, herbal hints, burdock root, pine aroma and clean acidity like citrus peel.

Guatemala Organic Huehuetenango Familia OvalleSilky texture helps convey flavors of caramel and almond milk, opaque chocolate roast flavors and a roasted pumpkin seed note. A great option for milk drinks. Good for espresso.

Ethiopia Dry Process Bogale DeyasoRustic fruit flavors, molasses sugars, fragrant foresty accents, notes of dehydrated apricot, prune, and tamarind, aromatic cedar, and bittersweet bass notes.

Glass Chimney

Glass chimneys are a helpful tool for home roasters needing to retain heat and airborne coffee beans when roasting with certain air poppers. We currently have them in stock on our website. Check out the video in our library.

glass funnel 1glass funnel 2

Deciding what roaster to purchase can be tough. We are here to help. Consider how much coffee you would like to roast, what your budget is, how much space you have to set up your roaster and if you are the perfectionist type. Knowing these personal facts can make choosing your next machine a breeze after reading our Home Roaster FAQ.

home roaster FAQ

Deciding what roaster to purchase can be tough. We are here to help. Consider how much coffee you would like to roast, what your budget is, how much space you have to set up your roaster and if you are the perfectionist type. Knowing these personal facts can make choosing your next machine a breeze after reading our Home Roaster FAQ.

March 17, 2021

3/17/21 Latest Arrivals
3/17/21 Latest Arrivals
Congo Kivu Kalehe Cooperative – Sweet, spiced and with tangy citrus accents, flavor notes of orange, cardamom pod and clove, marmalade spread, and the acidic impression is grabby like grapefruit.

Honduras San Vicente Feliciano Sabillon – An all-around accessible, balanced coffee. Honeyed sweetness with notes of caramelized confections like butter brickle and toffee-coated peanut.

espresso picks

One of the search categories on our website is “Good for Espresso”. What makes a good espresso is a pretty subjective question but we do our best to pick out the ones that to us, are the best to pull shots with. This hopefully saves our espresso drinking customers a lot of time, money and guesswork. Check our recent article about how bitterness, sweetness and mouthfeel all come into play when we place coffees in “Good for Espresso”.

vintage roasters shirt

One of our favorite shirt designs is back and in black. We hope you like it and that this shirt will always be darker than your roasted coffee beans.

Vintage Roasters Tee

March 19, 2021

Latest Arrivals - March 19, 2021
Latest Arrivals – March 19, 2021

Flores Tangkul Village – Balanced sweetness, milky body, notes of brownie batter, earth-toned cacao, dark tobacco leaf, and a finish that’s spiced with an aromatic peppercorn note. Good for espresso.

Brazil Dry Process Sítio do Engenho – Core flavors are like rustic palm sugar and reduced balsamic, branching out to accent notes of wheat berry, green melon, toasted sesame seed, nori, dried goji berry and fermented miso. A unique Brazil!

Rwanda Rutsiro Mushonyi – A matrix of honey and caramel sweetness, along with top notes of aromatic Earl Grey, apple butter, clove spice and structuring acidic impression like iced black tea. Good for espresso.

Sumatra Raja Batak Peaberry – A wet-hulled with classic Lintong character, malty sweetness accented by earthy notes of leather and burdock root, bittering cacao, tobacco leaf, and peat. Viscous body lends to a long finish.

Guatemala Patzun Finca Las Camelias – Fruit flavors are most front-facing at Full City, blackberry and red raisin rolled into dense layers of dark chocolate, and Dutch drinking cocoa, accents of torched sugar glaze. Good for espresso.

Java Honey Process Frinsa Estate – A cup profile heavily weighted in chocolate bittersweetness, the top note accents are fruity and slightly rustic, like pulpy berry, dried cherry, and prune.

Timor Organic SWP Letefoho Decaf – A relaunch of this decaf that we think is great for drip brewing but perfect for espresso! It’s so viscous and chocolatey bittersweet, cinnamon-spiced cocoa, baking chocolate, roasted cacao nibs and more. An ideal base for decaf milk drinks too.

IG Best Way to Roast

What’s the right way to roast or brew coffee? Well, if it tastes good, that means you are doing it right. Check out the comments on our recent Instagram post. Most folks agree.

March 24, 2021

3/24/21 - Latest Arrivals
3/24/21 – Latest Arrivals
Ethiopia Organic Nansebo Refisa – An aromatic cup in all of our roasts, dried florals, sweet herbs, and fragrant woody incense, notes of simple syrup, orange essence, fruit gum, and grabby citrus finish.

Flores Golewa Sobo – The bittersweet centerpiece comes off like semi-sweet cocoa powder, with simple brown sugar, a hint of spice, soft acidity, and sweet potato pie note.

Guatemala Huehuetenango Finca Rosma – A flavor compound of oatmeal-raisin cookie, molasses sugar, rustic dark fruit, cacao bittersweetness, dried coconut, and berry-like acidity.  Good for espresso.

Popper Resources

If you have been with us for a while, you know that we are big fans of roasting with electric popcorn poppers. They are great for first timers since they are inexpensive compared to actual coffee roasters.  They also offer a lot of DIY vibes and opportunities for modification so many seasoned home roasters have chosen air poppers as their primary roaster.  Check out our popper resource page where we have compiled years of info about this awesome appliance that was never intended to roast coffee.

March 26, 2021

Latest Arrivals - 3/26/21
Latest Arrivals – 3/26/21

Burundi Kayanza Dusangirijambo – Balanced sweet and bitter flavors give way to baking spice and accents of crisp apple, raisin, Darjeeling tea, and moderate lemon-like acidity. Darker roasts have a chocolate-cherry flavor note. Check out our video tour of Dusangirijambo.

Brazil Dry Process Lambari Adriana Guerra – Unique flavors, fruited, rustic sweetness, and surprising acidity for Brazil. Flavor notes of melon rind, boiled peanut, rice vinegar, sesame butter, and a freeze dried berry accent.

Rwanda Nyamasheke Mutovu – Aromatic sweetness, butterscotch candy, panela sugar, with lovely accent notes of golden raisin, apple, warming spice, vanilla, orange oil and a tannic hint of black tea. Good for espresso. Take a video tour of Mutovu.

Papua New Guinea Baroida Morita – Vanilla taffy aroma, cup sweetness has palm sugar and molasses, accented by fruited notes of orange, tamarind, and candied lemon, with finishing hints of aromatic tobacco and spice.

Papua New Guinea Kainantu Urara – Sweet flavors of caramel popcorn and toffee, brilliant acidity, pulpy fruited accents, red apple, cooling to hints of cinnamon powder and fruited herbal tea.

Kenya Nyeri Ichamama AB – A buttery honey sweetness leaves an aromatic imprint on the cup profile, with notes of cranberry-apple juice, bittersweet grapefruit, dark brown sugar, and a berry hint.

Espresso Workshop #48 Number Forty-Two – Full City whittles down the sharp acidity found in lighter roasts, building out chocolate richness, fudgey flavors, fruited hints of plum, pomegranate (not tart though), and tamarind hard candy. Full City+ are packed with carbonized bittersweetness and best for milk drinks.  Good for espresso.


Rewind to 1984. Purple Rain was released, Reagan was in office, Wendy’s asked “Where’s the beef?”, Alex Trebek asked his first answer and Melitta introduced the first fluid bed coffee roaster.

aromaroast 1aromaroast 2

March 31, 2021

Latest Arrivals 3/31/21
Latest Arrivals 3/31/21
Honduras La Peña Denilson Madrid – A well-balanced Central American coffee, with sweet notes of light brown sugar and sucanat, a hint of roasted almond, apple highlight, and malic acidic impression.

Rwanda Dry Process Nyakabingo – Middle roasts move beyond molasses sweetness, to fruit and spice flavors, notes of berry-infused dark chocolate, plum, overripe citrus, and a hint of heart of palm in the finish.

Staff picks

Sweet Maria’s crew member, Hadley chose this round of our Staff Picks. Check out the coffees he chose, why he chose them and be amazed at how he wrote his reviews while waiting in the Taco Bell drive thru.

Staff Picks

Indo Sample Set

This sample set is a cross-section coffees from Indonesian growing regions more common to our Indonesian coffee list, and highlights the uniqueness in processing traditions and vastly different cup flavors that come with them. It currently includes coffees from Flores, a Sulawesi Honey Process, Sumatra Wet Process and a Sumatra Peaberry

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