Green Coffee Outlook – May 2022 – for Sweet Maria’s and Coffee Shrub

Stay up to date on coffee we have coming down the pipeline and our latest green coffee outlook and arrivals schedule.

With no less than a half dozen containers of coffee awaiting pickup at US Ports, and more than twice that shipping from origin, I feel like we’re just starting to see what we’re facing in terms of logistics bottlenecks and slowdowns. But being a glass half-full kind of guy, I’d like to lead with good news, which there is quite a bit of at this moment!

As of today (5/10), we have 6 new arrival containers that have either made their way to Oakland from Texas and New Jersey, or have already been unloaded at Continental Terminals Annex, where we store most of our coffee.

A full box of direct trade coffees from Timor Leste are now in our position, and we’ll list the first two lots next week. These include fully washed, honey, and dry process coffees, most of which are from newly erected processing stations who are buying whole coffee cherry from the local villages, and processing it in a uniform way. The outcomes from these projects are really impressive, and wet process coffees like Daurfusu, which we’re posting next week, fit right in with coffees from Central American, of which our list is a little light at the moment!

Jute bags filled with the Yemeni coffee we purchased are loaded into a 20 foot shipping container headed for the Port of Aden.
Jute bags filled with the Yemeni coffee we purchased are loaded into a 20 foot shipping container headed for the Port of Aden.

This week saw a container of Yemeni coffees arrive in Oakland, and we are expecting confirmation samples in the next couple of days. In past years, we’ve been conservative in our Yemeni coffee purchases, limiting volume to 1/3 – 1/2 of a shipping container at most (15-20k lbs.). But this year we went all in with 42k lbs. of coffee! The 6 lots we purchased come from distinct growing regions – Matari, Bani Haraz (“Harasi”), Khulani, Hawari, Al-Haimah, and Hajjah – and range in size range from 50 to 150 x 32 kg. bags.

While we work to list coffees from these latest arrivals, we await the transfers of coffees from Colombia, Kenya, Tanzania, Congo, and Rwanda to our Oakland warehouse. We had the pleasure of tasting the Kenya arrivals last week, and look forward to rolling those out as soon as they become available to us.

From the Cupping Table

April shaped up to be a very busy month at the cupping tables in both Oakland and Seattle, with a flurry of pre-shipment samples to confirm, and new offers from several origins. For those who don’t know, “pre-shipment” samples are the final coffee samples we taste before a coffee is shipped, and our last opportunity to catch any inconsistencies in the physical coffee grade (how it looks), and in the cup (how it tastes). We rarely have issues, but occasionally need to ask an exporter to run a coffee lot through their milling equipment again to achieve the desired coffee grading specifications.

Early Spring is typically a busy month for assessing pre-shipment samples with the tail end of our Ethiopian coffees preparing to ship, and final preparations underway for contracted coffees in Central American origins like Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. These origins make up a huge chunk of our annual volume, and the samples behind them make for an incredible amount of our cupping!

Things will slow down for a few weeks here, only to pick back up with the confluence of arrivals from these origins starting to land, and harvest getting underway in Burundi, Rwanda, and Peru.

Our 2nd container of Kenyan coffee arriving in New Jersey, as plotted on the Marine Traffic map with a million other vessels!
Our 2nd container of Kenyan coffee arriving in New Jersey, as plotted on the Marine Traffic map with a million other vessels!

Origin Shipping Updates

  • Kenya: One container down, two more to go! OK, “down” isn’t exactly accurate as our first box still has to move from Houston to Oakland before we are able to make these first arrivals available. That said, the arrival samples all taste fantastic, and we’ll do our best to put up some larger lots to begin with so they don’t sell out overnight (I’m eying Gathaithi AA, Kamwangi AB, and Kainamui Peaberry…). You can also see in the above image that our second box of Kenyas arrived in NJ, thought still likely a few weeks away from intermodal transit to Oakland.
  • Ethiopia: Getting coffee out of the country has proved increasingly difficult the last two months. The major decline of imported goods Ethiopia has seen amidst civil unrest and the pandemic has meant a serious lack of shipping containers, leaving exporters scrambling. It’s also led to a limited amount of service from the major shipping lines, in some cases dropping their schedules from a weekly vessel, to a single vessel each month! All of this at a time when Ethiopian coffee exports are at their peak. We breathe a sigh of relief that our first container avoided these snags, and arrived in NJ yesterday (5/10), carrying coffees from Hambela Dabaye, Benti Nenka, and Buliye. Unfortunately, we’re likely 3 weeks away from seeing those in Oakland, as it still needs to gate out at the Port, move to Continental Terminals in NJ, and then rail across the country.
  • Guatemala: All of our contracts for coffees from Huehuetenango (“Proyecto Xinabajul”), Antigua, and Chimaltenango are in place, the coffees milled, and ready to ship. The totality of these containers are scheduled to ship mid-May, headed for Houston where they will transfer to Oakland by rail. Our collective fingers are crossed that there are no hiccups along the way!
  • Costa Rica: Last month following elections, Costa Rica fell victim to a cyber security breach by the Russian cyber terrorist group, Conti. The attack has lasted several weeks now, disrupting government functions, including customs’ ability to process documents required for exporting goods, which obviously includes coffee (our container included). The damage is widespread, affecting everything from issuance of social security, to the collection of taxes, and we hope they are able to restore services soon.

Upcoming green coffees currently on the schedule to be added to our website:

Please keep in mind that the coffees on the Upcoming Coffee Outlook schedule with a location status of “In Transit” are still a bit of a wild card, and the month we have them listed under is based on the current shipping ETA, and subject to interruptions out of our control. Thanks for your patience!

May Coffee Outlook

Coffee LotBagsSizeLocation
Brazil Patrocínio Fazenda Escalada5659 KGOakland
Burundi Gaterama Agahore Station2860 KGOakland
Burundi Gatare Masha4560 KGOakland
Congo Organic Kirumba Kavisa4060 KGOakland
Ethiopia Dry Process Yirga Cheffe Mengesha Farm5060 KGOakland
Ethiopia Uraga Raro Boda10560 KGOakland
Ethiopia Yirga Cheffe Chelchele12060 KGOakland
Guatemala Huehuetenango Aguacatones Honey669 KGOakland
Honduras Las Vegas Mario Martinez469 KGOakland
Honduras Las Flores Nelson Parainema469 KGOakland
Honduras Juan Carlos Sabillon Parainema869 KGOakland
Nicaragua Dry Process Buenos Aires569 KGOakland
Nicaragua Honey Process San Salvador Java569 KGOakland
Peru Bello Horizonte Andres Burga2969 KGOakland
Papua New Guinea Kuta Waghi3060 KGOakland
Peru Las Pirias Ramiro Vela2369 KGOakland
Rwanda Rusizi Gaseke2560 KGOakland
Rwanda Ngororero2560 KGOakland
Sumatra Dry Process Ribang Gayo1060 KGOakland
Timor Leste Dukurai Daurfusu6560 KGOakland
Timor Leste Dry Process Lulirema1860 KGOakland
Tanzania Sepukila Cooperative AB3960 KGOakland
Yemen Al Qafr Hawari5032 KGOakland
Yemen Mokha Matari15032 KGOakland

June Coffee Outlook (so far!)

Coffee LotBagsSizeLocation
Brazil Cerrado Fred Terumi3560 KGOakland
Brazil Carmo Fazenda Furnas7459 KGOakland
Brazil Mogiana Vera Lucia2060 KGOakland
Burundi Dry Process Agahore2660 KGOakland
Burundi Yeast Fermentation Yandaro2060 KGOakland
Colombia Veradas Vecinas7970 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Inzá Vereda Guanacas2670 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Urrao John Alexander1370 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Urrao Heirloom Caturra670 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Coop de Caldas EA Decaf1570 KGTransfering Houston
Ethiopia Agaro Kedamai2560 KGOakland
Ethiopia Guji Gorebeti SWP Decaf7160 KGOakland
Kenya Nyeri Gathaithi AA4860 KGTransfering Houston
Kenya Kirinyaga Kamwangi AB6060 KGTransfering Houston
Kenya Kirinyaga Kainamui Peaberry3160 KGTransfering Houston
Kenya Kirinyaga Thunguri Peaberry960 KGTransfering Houston
Kenya Thika Karatu Peaberry660 KGTransfering Houston
Timor Leste Dry Process Daurfusu5560 KGOakland
Yemen Bani Haraz10032 KGOakland
Sweet Maria’s Moka Kadir Blendn/an/aOakland
Sweet Maria’s Moka Java SWP Decafn/an/aOakland
Sweet Maria's Coffee Shrub Coffee Sourcerer
Sweet Maria’s Coffee Shrub Coffee Sourcerer

Incoming coffees currently on the water: March – May

Ethiopia Incoming Coffees

Incoming CoffeesBagsSizeETA
Ethiopia Guji Hambela Dabaye10060 KGArrived NJ 5/10
Ethiopia Dry Process Hambela Buliye12060 KGArrived NJ 5/10
Ethiopia Dry Process Benti Nenka10060 KGArrived NJ 5/10
Ethiopia Guji Buku Sayisa5060 KGETA 6/21
Ethiopia Yirgacheffee Banko Gotiti7060 KGETA 6/21
Ethiopia Sidama Arsi Refisa10060 KGETA 6/21
Ethiopia Yirga Cheffe Chelbesa Danche10060 KGETA 6/21
Ethiopia Dry Process Yirga Cheffe Gedeb 16060 KGETA 6/21
Ethiopia Dry Process Yirga Cheffe Idido16060 KGETA 6/21
Ethiopia Kayon Mountain Taaroo16060 KGETA 6/23
Ethiopia Dry Process Hambela Benti Nenka16060 KGETA 6/23
Ethiopia Limu Ayetu Gera Farm14060 KGETA 6/6
Ethiopia Agaro Kedamai6060 KGETA 7/5
Ethiopia Organic Agaro Hunda Oli8060 KGETA 7/5
Ethiopia Organic Geta Bore Cooperative8060 KGETA 7/5
Ethiopia Yukiro Cooperative5060 KGETA 7/5
Ethiopia Organic Gera Genji Challa5060 KGETA 7/5
Ethiopia Organic Gera Nano Challa8060 KGETA 7/5
Ethiopia Organic Agaro Duromina8060 KGETA 7/5
Ethiopia Organic Dry Process Beshasha Birbisa16060 KGETA 7/5
Ethiopia Organic Dry Process Burka Gudina20060 KGTBD
Ethiopia Dry Process Guji Gerba10060 KGSI Sent
Ethiopia Dry Process Buno Dambi Uddo12060 KGSI Sent
Ethiopia Dry Process Abiyot Bobea10060 KGSI Sent
Ethiopia Kecho Anderecha13060 KGSI Sent
Ethiopia Dry Process Mansur Aba Hikam5060 KGSI Sent
Ethiopia Dry Process Mahamed Aba Nura5060 KGSI Sent
Ethiopia Dry Process Aba Mecha2060 KGSI Sent
Ethiopia Dry Process Aba Bulgu7060 KGSI Sent
Ethiopia Dry Process Dehab15060 KGSI Sent

Kenya Incoming Coffees

Incoming CoffeesBagsSizeETA
Kenya Nyeri Kagumo AB4260 KGArrived Houston 5/6
Kenya Kirinyaga Kamwangi Peaberry2560 KGArrived Houston 5/6
Kenya Kirinyaga Kamwangi AB6060 KGArrived Houston 5/6
Kenya Muranga Riakiberu Peaberry1660 KGArrived Houston 5/6
Kenya Muranga Kagumoini AB4060 KGArrived Houston 5/6
Kenya Kirinyaga Kainamui Peaberry3160 KGArrived Houston 5/6
Kenya Nyeri Kagumo AA1760 KGArrived Houston 5/6
Kenya Kirinyaga Thunguri Peaberry960 KGArrived Houston 5/6
Kenya Thika Karatu Peaberry660 KGArrived Houston 5/6
Kenya Kiambu Ndumberi Peaberry2560 KGArrived Houston 5/6
Kenya Nyeri Gathaithi AA4860 KGArrived Houston 5/6
Kenya Nyeri Kagumo Peaberry2760 KGArrived NJ 5/10
Kenya Nyeri Gatomboya Peaberry1660 KGArrived NJ 5/10
Kenya Kirinyaga Kamwangi Peaberry3360 KGArrived NJ 5/10
Kenya Kiambu Ngaita Peaberry1660 KGArrived NJ 5/10
Kenya Kiambu Riabai AB1460 KGArrived NJ 5/10
Kenya Nyeri Kamoini AB5360 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Kamoini Peaberry1260 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Kagunyu AA560 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Kagunyu AB1360 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Ichamama AA5060 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Ichamama PB2160 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Gichichi AA460 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Gichichi AB1160 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Gaikundo AA1460 KGTBD
Kenya Kirinyaga Thunguri AB1460 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Rukira AB2060 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Maganjo AA960 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Mahiga AA1960 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Mahiga PB760 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Gatugi AA5060 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Gatugi AB7060 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Gatugi PB2660 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Kiaguthu AA2760 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Kiaguthu PB1060 KGTBD
Kenya Nyeri Kamoini AA3460 KGTBD
Kenya Thika Oreti AA1260 KGTBD
Kenya Thika Oreti AB1960 KGTBD
Kenya Thika Oreti Peaberry160 KGTBD
Kenya Kirinyaga Wanja AA1460 KGTBD
Kenya Muranga Nguku AB4560 KGTBD
Kenya Muranga Nguku Peaberry460 KGTBD
Kenya Kiambu Fram Farm AA1860 KGTBD
Kenya Kiambu Fram Farm AB6660 KGTBD
Kenya Kiambu Fram Farm Peaberry460 KGTBD

Africa / Arabia Incoming Coffees

Incoming CoffeesBagsSizeETA
Rwanda Rubavu Rwinyoni6060 KGArrived Oak 4/20
Rwanda Rusizi Gaseke2560 KGArrived Oak 4/20
Rwanda Nyamasheke Nyakabingo2560 KGArrived Oak 4/20
Rwanda Ngororero2560 KGArrived Oak 4/20
Rwanda Nyamasheke Macuba4560 KGArrived Oak 4/20
Rwanda Dry Process Kanyege2560 KGArrived Oak 4/20
Rwanda Honey Process Kanyege3060 KGArrived Oak 4/20
Rwanda Dry Process Macuba4060 KGArrived Oak 4/20
Rwanda Dry Process Nyamiyaga2060 KGArrived Oak 4/20
Rwanda Honey Process Karambi3060 KGArrived Oak 4/20

South America Incoming Coffees

Incoming CoffeesBagsSizeETA
Colombia Pavón Finca Los Palomos1270 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Inzá Anibal Pillimue270 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Urrao Heirloom Caturra670 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Inzá Robinson Pillimué1270 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Urrao John Alexander1370 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Cajamarca Neftali Castro1570 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Inzá Rafael Rivas2870 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Cresta El Hato1570 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Vereda Guanacas2670 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Vereda San Antonio2370 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Honey Process Aponte970 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Rio Chiquito Don Luis2270 KGTransfering Houston
Colombia Veradas Vecinas7970 KGTransfering Houston

Central America Incoming Coffees

Incoming CoffeesBagsSizeETA
Costa Rica La Pradera7569 KGTransferring Houston
Costa Rica Cafetales de Dota Lot 27569 KGTransferring Houston
Costa Rica Cafetales de Dota Lot 35069 KGTransferring Houston
El Salvador Finca La Esperanza7569 KGETA 6/1
El Salvador Miravalle Centroamericaono6169 KGETA 6/1
El Salvador Finca Miravalle Tabi4169 KGETA 6/1
El Salvador Apaneca Finca Miravalle4869 KGETA 6/1
El Salvador Miravalle Sampacho5469 KGETA 6/1
El Salvador Dry Process Finca San Luis669 KGETA 6/1
Guatemala Chimaltenango Tecpan3769 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Chimaltenango Jilotepeque9269 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Antigua Santa Ines7146 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Antigua Santa Ines Bourbon2646 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Antigua Santa Ines Catuaí2446 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Antigua Santa Ines Caturra2046 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Acatenango SDBV Bourbon1446 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Acatenango SDBV Red Bourbon4046 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Antigua Pulcal4046 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Antigua Pulcal Inteligente2046 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Antigua Cabrejo5046 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Patzun Finca Las Camelias4246 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Antigua La Parcela Melanie546 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Acatenango Geisha AA4546 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Acatenango Geisha4046 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajulu Bojonalito1669 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajul Flavio Del Cerro2569 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajul Peña Roja8969 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajul Virgilio2569 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajul Producers4069 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajul Idmar de Jesus Velasquez2569 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajul El Paraiso2669 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajul Michicoy2969 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajul Aler Villatoro6669 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajul Aurelio Del Cerro5869 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajul Boqueroncito5069 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajul Rosalio Villatoro5669 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajul San Pedro Necta2569 KGETD May 15
Guatemala Xinabajul Jose Villatoro2069 KGETD May 15

Indonesia & SE Asia Incoming Coffees

Incoming CoffeesBagsSizeETA
Sulawesi Enrekang Rodo Rodo1760 KGETA 5/14
Sulawesi Wet Hulled Latimojong4060 KGETA 5/14
Sulawesi Panaikang Village Pak Sulaiman860 KGETA 5/14
Sulawesi Desa Topidi860 KGETA 5/14
Sulawesi Honey Process Gowa560 KGETA 5/14
Sulawesi Dry Process Topidi1160 KGETA 5/14
Java Wet Hulled Siki Alit3060 KGETA 5/14
Java Wet Hulled Waspada4060 KGETA 5/14
Flores Wawo Muda1860 KGETA 5/14
Flores Gunung Waja Mala1860 KGETA 5/14
Flores Wolo Wio3860 KGETA 5/14
Flores Dry Process Bei Poso Village760 KGETA 5/14
Java Wet Hulled Waspada5060 KGETA 5/14
Sumatra Kerinci Barokah Bersama5060 KGTBD
Sumatra Wet Process Barokah Coop3060 KGTBD
Sumatra Honey Process Barokah Coop3060 KGTBD
Sumatra Honey Labu Barokah Bersama3060 KGTBD
Sumatra Dry Process Barokah Coop2060 KGTBD
Papua New Guinea Korgua Peaberry2660 KGTBD

5 Responses

  1. It has been so nice to see Burundi coffees back in stock. They were kind of my surprise favorites among my earliest roasting attempts last year. Same with some of the fantastic Rwandan coffees you’ve had over the past few months. Great to see more coming!

    I’ve only had one coffee from Timor Leste so far, but I enjoyed it, so I’ll have to try and grab some of these newer ones to sample.

    So many awesome coffees… It’s just too bad I have limited financial/roasting/storage capacities. I appreciate all the hard work you guys put in to make them available for us.

    1. Yes – I am definitely excited about the Burundi arrival. It was very late due to ocean freight logistics, all those container delays globally, but the arrival cup quality is great! It’s a coffee I take home for weekends for sure

    1. Hey Mark, us too! We are hoping to launch the first lot of AB end of next week.

      Be on the lookout.


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